Jacobs Career Fair 2021



Conversations, workshops, and networking: The Jacobs Career Fair is connecting employers with highly qualified students and graduates of Jacobs University and other universities. "Companies and organizations have the opportunity to establish contact with students at an early stage and thus recruit well-qualified employees," said project coordinator Christin Klähn. The Career Fair 2021 will take place on March 3 from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. For the very first time, the format will be hosted online this year, supported by MYJOBFAIR, an experienced partner in the field of virtual fairs. Registrations for companies are still possible.

More information and registration are available under: www.jacobscareerfair.de
Questions are answered by:
Christin Klähn
Career Services Coordinator
Koordinatorin des Events
Tel: +49 421 200 4212
E-Mail: c.klaehn@jacobs-university.de

Event details and reservation
The Career Fair 2021 will take place on March 3 from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. For the very first time, the format will be hosted online this year, supported by MYJOBFAIR, an experienced partner in the field of virtual fairs.
online event