Jacobs Career Symposium 2018



Hiring and being hired in the digitalized world
What are the challenges of digital recruitment for employers and applicants?

The opening event of the yearly Jacobs Alumni Homecoming is devoted to challenging issues in the fields of career development, the world of employment, and interactions between higher education and society. The Jacobs Career Symposium is organized by the Career Services Center at Jacobs University and aims to foster a constructive discussion as well as networking opportunities between alumni from all over the world, current students, professors, employers, and additional experts.

A keynote speaker, as well as a selected panel of HR experts (digital recruiters), are invited to contribute and to interact with a moderator in a discussion on the basis of their diverse backgrounds and expertise. The reflection on the Symposium topic between the speakers is followed by an open debate with the audience, where further questions will be addressed and answered. The event ends with a socializing get-together, giving all participants the opportunity to continue exchanging ideas as well as to expand their professional networks.

E-recruitment is a trending topic in current human resources debates and has a severe impact on job application efforts. Recruiting online means to use technology to find, attract, asses, interview, and hire new personnel. In this light, the main target groups are:

  • HR managers: what effects of digitalization do they have to take into account when changing the hiring processes?
  • Job and internship seekers: how should they proceed and adapt on their future application process facing a new era defined by an array of digitalized application platforms and algorithms in order to be singled out as top players?

Applicants on one hand and HR managers on the other have to keep certain impacts that are riddled with the use of computer algorithms in mind. So how should students and graduates prepare to increase their chances to get into a job via e-recruiting? And how does the application process look like from a company’s perspective? An increasing number of recruiters are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to find the best match for their vacancies. But what is considered to be Artificial Intelligence and what are its outcomes?


How do prospective employees have to be trained to meet the requirements of digitalized hiring processes? What kind of different tools could be used within the selection process? How does data protection influence the recruiting process and how could generational differences influence the awareness of data safety issues?

The Symposium will approach these and further related key questions thanks to a selected panel of HR experts as digital recruiters who will share their various professional experiences and insights. On one hand, the requirements that applicants must meet will be highlighted. On the other, the perception of digitalized recruiting processes by HR staff will be discussed. The debate will also take the relevance of innovation for the personal and career development of students and alumni at Jacobs University into consideration.

Event details and reservation
Jacobs Career Symposium 2018
September 21, 2018, 18.30-21.30
ICC Conference Hall
ICC Conference Hall