


Making good decisions about what´s next!

The opening event of the annual Jacobs Alumni Homecoming is dedicated to challenging issues in the fields of career development, the world of employment, and interactions between higher education and society.

This year´s topic will be: “Making good decisions about what´s next!“.
The event is devoted to students learning about career decision making and how to build a solid foundation for their respective career pathway. Within a panel discussion, faculty and alumni talk about decision-making pertinent in their field of expertise, exchanging ideas and recommendations on decisions about the career path and beyond. Which decisions do students need to take for a career in academia or industry, or for becoming an entrepreneur?


The Jacobs Career Symposium is organized by the Career Services Center at Jacobs University, and aims to foster a constructive discussion as well as networking opportunities between alumni from all over the world, current students, professors, employers, and additional experts.


A keynote speaker as well as a selected panel of professors and alumni are invited to contribute and to interact with a moderator in a discussion on the basis of their diverse backgrounds and expertise.

The reflection on the Symposium topic between the speakers is followed by an open debate with the audience, where further questions will be addressed and answered.

The event ends with a socializing get-together, giving all participants the opportunity to continue exchanging ideas as well as to expand their professional networks.


The event focuses on two important areas in the process of professional decision-making.

First, students need to have a very good understanding of themselves. Self-awareness and - reflection include having knowledge about one's own value system, interests, characteristics, goals and life experiences. What are the intrinsic goals of the individual?

Secondly, they need to be clear about their career options in their desired field. Being clear about your career options in your desired field is of the utmost importance when you are making decisions. Which career opportunities exist and which degree and formation is essential for this particular job? And what will the desired career field look like in the future due to industrial and social trends? What career decisions need to be made during studies for a career in academia, industry or for becoming an entrepreneur?

The panelists will discuss to the plenary about their individuals career paths and the decisions that were important in order to reach their career goals.

17:00Welcome Address from Career Services Center
Sinah Vogel
Career Services and Employer Relations Coordinator
17:05Welcome Speech from the President of the University
Prof. Dr. Fabio Pammolli
17:15Keynote Speech
Philipp Herzberg
Jacobs Alumni Class of 2012
teacher for Science and Psychology
17:30Panel Discussion

Sebastian Blümmert
Jacobs Alumni Class of 2011
Head of Operations
creditshelf AG


Prof. Sebastian Springer DPhil
Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Ebru Uzun
Jacobs Alumni Class of 2012
Chief of Staff, Process Solutions Business

Prof. Dr. Francesco Maurelli
Professor in Marine System with focus on Marine Robotics
Dr. Szymon Krupinski
Jacobs Alumni Class of 2005
WasteAnt GmbH

Prof. Klaudia Brix
Professor of Cell Biology
Serhat Kosif
Jacobs Alumni Class of 2021
PhD student of International Logistics
Jacobs University Bremen
18:30Get-together with snacks and drinks at the Major Networking Fair

Please note:
If you are an undergraduates student and you like to register your attendance as mandatory electives for the Career Skills Module, you need to sign in (in person) at the events.

When: September 23, 2022 | 17:00 – 18:30
Where: Campus Center I Conference Hall

Event details and reservation
Making good decisions about what´s next!
When: September 23, 2022 | 17:00 – 18:30
Where: Campus Center I Conference Hall
Campus Center I Conference Hall