Jacobs Startup Competition


The Jacobs Startup Competition reinvented! Come join us for our first ever virtual event filled with innovation and entrepreneurship, where we showcase the innovators and pioneers of tomorrow.
Since its inception, JSC has provided a platform for students to pitch their idea in front of a panel of expert judges, venture capitalists and a plethora of individuals interested in the startup world. This year we are able to host student entrepreneurs from across the world and foster them with mentorship, resources and workshops to expand their business idea. So come join us on Saturday the 13th of March for a day of keynote speeches, high-intensity pitches and networking opportunities.

For more information, please visit the JSC website: https://www.jacobs-startup.com

Or register for our event right here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_or7sxrppR9Ck6Wj_MD8CqQ

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at jacobsstartupcompetition@gmail.com

Event details and reservation
The Jacobs Startup Competition reinvented! Come join us for our first ever virtual event filled with innovation and entrepreneurship, where we showcase the innovators and pioneers of tomorrow.