MoLife Research Seminar: Dr. Binyam Mogessie

MoLife Research Seminar presented by:
Dr. Binyam Mogessie, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Department of Meiosis, Germany and (future) Bristol University
Title of the talk:
Actin protects mammalian eggs against chromosome segregation errors
Chromosome segregation is driven by a spindle that is made of microtubules, but is generally thought to be independent of actin. Here, we report an unexpected actin-dependent mechanism that drives the accurate alignment and segregation of chromosomes in mammalian eggs. Prominent actin filaments permeated the microtubule spindle in eggs of several mammalian species, including humans. Disrupting actin in mouse eggs led to significantly increased numbers of misaligned chromosomes as well as lagging chromosomes during meiosis I and II. We found that actin drives accurate chromosome segregation by promoting the formation of functional kinetochore-fibers, the microtubule bundles that align and segregate the chromosomes. Thus, actin is essential to prevent chromosome segregation errors in eggs, which are a leading cause of miscarriages, infertility and Down Syndrome. 

all are welcome!


Further information:

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Springer, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Email: - Tel: +49 421 200-3243  - Link to Homepage:


Event details and reservation
MoLife Research Seminar
Lecture Hall of Research II