

MoLife Research Seminar by:

Dr. Gino Vrancken

Project Manager Anaerobic Fermentation, Laboratory for molecular bacteriology (Raes lab), Molecular Bacteriology Unit - Rega Institute for Medical Research (KULeuven), Leuven, Belgium


Title of the talk:

Human gut microbiome: potential avenue for novel therapeutic interventions


The human colon is home to a  dense and diverse microbial population. It represents the largest gene pool in or on us and is under active surveillance and control by the human host for maximum mutual benefit. Although these facts are widely known little is known about the normal impact of this microbiota on the human host except in extreme cases of dysbiosis. However, due to its easy accessability and monitoring and its active metabolism and interaction with the human host it represents a huge opportunity for novel therapeutic intervention both directly related to intestinal disorders as well as more indirect effects due to metabolite and immunological cross talk. Although known for a long time and a long history of speculation about potential novel therapeutic options little real progress has been made up to now mostly due to difficulties related to the strict anaerobic nature of most of its members and an early commercialization of probiotics with little or no known benefits. However with the advent of high throughput sequencing a more accurate mapping of the microbiota in all its diversity as well as its links to various human physiological traits and conditions is becoming possible thereby slowly establishing the knowledge platform to realize the obvious therapeutic potential. The current talk will focus on some key research in the Raes lab focused on establishing this platform as well as indicating potential future research and application avenues.

All are kindly welcome!

Further information by:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Ullrich, Professor of Microbiology, Focus Area: Health - Life Sciences & Chemistry - Email:

Event details and reservation
Reseach Seminar
Jacobs University Bremen, Lecture Hall of Research II