MoLife Research Seminar: Dr. Irina Majoul

Cellular Metabolism: from the magnifying glass to the superresolution microscopy

Abstract will be announced in time!

Talk by:

 PD Dr. Irina Majoul, d.b.s.

 Institute of Biology,
 University of Lübeck,
 Ratzeburger Allee 160,
 23562 Lübeck, Germany
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Springer
Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Life Sciences and Chemistry -  Focus area Health 
Building Research II, Room 111 / Campus Ring 6 / 28759 Bremen / Germany
Tel: +49 421 200-3243 / Fax: +49 421 200-3249
Event details and reservation
Cellular Metabolism: from the magnifying glass to the superresolution microscopy, a talk by PH Dr. Irina Majoul from the Institute of Biology, University of Lübeck