MoLife Research Seminar: Prof. Dr. Lennart Randau



Special Guest Talk by:

Prof. Dr. Lennart Randau, Max Planck Institut Marburg, Germany

Title of the talk:

RNA stabilization and modifications in hyperthermophilic archaea

Analyses of the RNA metabolism of hyperthermophilic archaea highlight   the efficiency of regulatory RNAs and RNA-guided processes at extreme   temperatures. Hyperthermophilic organisms must overcome the intrinsic thermolability of RNAs. Elevated levels of RNA modifications and   structured GC-rich regions are observed for many universal noncoding RNA families. Here, I will present our analyses of tRNA and rRNA  modifications and discuss RNA-seq approaches to determine RNA  
structures and termini.

All are kindly welcome!

Further information by: Prof. Dr. Christian Hammann, Professor of Biochemistry,  Email:, Tel: +49 421 200-3247, Link to Homepage:

Event details and reservation
MoLife Research Seminar
Lecture Hall of Research II