

MoLife Research Seminar by:

Dr. Miguel Vinas

Lab. Molecural Microbiology & Antimicrobials -Medical School, University of Barcelona, Spain

Title of the talk:

Peptides Against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria: A therapeutic Option   



Antimicrobial resistance is a major challenge of current microbiology. Causes that have led to a so wide distribution of resistant bacteria, are varied, among them the misuse of antibiotics in human medicine and, in some countries a worse use in dentistry has a prominent position. Nevertheless, the abuse and sometimes fraudulent use of antimicrobials in livestock probably has played a relevant role in the path from susceptibility to resistance.  A certain decrease in the interest payed by transnational pharmaceutical companies to support or carry out research on new antimicrobials has had as a consequence an empty reservoir of new molecules which may serve of basis to generate and develop new tools to fight bacterial infections. Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides CAMPs may contribute to palliate this situation. Colistin-inspired CAMPs (CICAMP)and Lasso peptides are two of the most interesting CAMP families. We have developed new CICAMPs with lower toxicity and expanded spectrum of action. Moreover, lasso peptides (derived from natural colicins), may be chemically altered in order to modify some of their properties improving their activity. Results of two new peptides CICAMP (CAMP113 and CAMP207) acting as door openers (that is, facilitating the penetration of other antimicrobials) and having effect on Gram-positive multiresistant microbes are reported. On the other hand alkaline treatment of Mcc25 (a lasso peptide colicin synthesized by E. coli) and their antimicrobial effects will be described.



Further information by:

Prof. Dr. Roland Benz, Wisdom Professor of Biotechnology, Focus Area: Health - Life Sciences & Chemistry -


Event details and reservation
Research Seminar
Jacobs University Bremen, Seminar room 1 of Research II