The Physics Behind Systems Biology

The Physikschule “The Physics Behind Systems Biology” sponsored by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung is located at Jacobs University Bremen in Bremen / Germany and will take place from July 06, 2015 until July 12, 2015.
The detailed description of the Physikschule will be anounced soon.
We invite applications from graduate students, PhD students and postdocs with a background in Systems Biology or/and with an interest in computational experimental work. Registration will be open in the beginning of 2015.
The scientific organisation of the Physikschule occurs  through:
Prof. Dr. Marc-Thorsten Hütt / Professor of Computational Systems Biology / Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH / Engineering and Science / Campus Ring 6 / 28759 Bremen
and Dr. Nicole Radde / Junior-Professor of Systemtheory in Systembiology / University of Stuttgart /  Institut für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik / Pfaffenwaldring 9 / 70569 Stuttgart / Germany 

Event details and reservation
The Physikschule “The Physics Behind Systems Biology” sponsored by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung is located at Jacobs University Bremen in Bremen / Germany and will take place from July 06, 2015 until July 12, 2015.