Seminar Talk - Effective Dynamics of Tracer Particles in a Dense Fermi Gas

Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Seminar (MTPS):

Effective Dynamics of Tracer Particles in a Dense Fermi Gas

David Mitrouskas (IST Austria)

We discuss the dynamics of few tracer particles in a d-dimensional box coupled to N fermions via a suitable pair interaction. After taking the large volume limit at positive Fermi momentum we consider the regime of high density, that is, large Fermi momentum. Assuming that the fermions are initially in the ground state of the kinetic energy, we show that a single tracer particle effectively decouples from the fermions and evolves like a free particle. We explain that this is based on a separation of scales between the tracer particle and the fast electrons at the Fermi surface. In the rest of the talk we show how the picture changes for more than one tracer particle and/or if one starts with an excited state of the fermions.

Talks organized by Stefan Kettemann, Sören Petrat, and Peter Schupp

Usual time: Thursdays, 13:00-14:00

Location: for most of the semester the seminar will be online (access data will be sent around to the mailing list shortly before the talks; please write an email to Sören Petrat ( for the access data to specific talks or to be added to the mailing list).
All times are German time zone.

Event details and reservation
Talks organized by Stefan Kettemann, Sören Petrat, and Peter Schupp

Usual time: Thursdays, 13:00-14:00

Location: for most of the semester the seminar will be online (access data will be sent around to the mailing list shortly before the talks; please write an email to Sören Petrat ( for the access data to specific talks or to be added to the mailing list).
All times are German time zone.