Special Lecture - Dr. Jörg Mohr
This special lecture will be held by Dr. Jörg Mohr from Saltigo GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany
The history of chemical crop protection is briefly presented. In conjunction with the introduction to the company Saltigo, a leading custom manufacturer, the challenges of custom manufacturing and opportunities for differentiation in a highly competitive field are discussed.
Finally, an insight is given into the task scope of process development in general as well as the tasks and responsibilities of the individual development chemist. In addition, the the onboarding process within Saltigo PD&A and the future career paths of a chemist are described.
The history of chemical crop protection is briefly presented. In conjunction with the introduction to the company Saltigo, a leading custom manufacturer, the challenges of custom manufacturing and opportunities for differentiation in a highly competitive field are discussed.
Finally, an insight is given into the task scope of process development in general as well as the tasks and responsibilities of the individual development chemist. In addition, the the onboarding process within Saltigo PD&A and the future career paths of a chemist are described.
Prof. Dr. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler | Professor of Chemistry | Focus Area: Health
Department of Life Sciences & Chemistry
Email: g.roeschenthaler@jacobs-university.de | Tel: +49 421 200-3138
Event details and reservation
"Introduction to Saltigo - Insights from a leading custom manufacturer
Lecture Hall Research III