A Tribute to Franz Schubert"


"A Tribute to Franz Schubert"


Eva Resch Sopranistin

Alle internationale Musiker sind ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik 2017.

Tickets for Students: Free!
Students from Jacobs University may attend this spectacular classical music concert by courtesy of several generous donors. Transportation will be organized for those who wish to attend through the English & Deutsch for JU Group.

Registration: Rainer Rakow
Infos: R. Rakow, 04406-920046, reinhard-rakow@t-online.de  

English for JU - Classical Music Field Excursion
Konzertkirche St. Marien, Warfleth
Admission is free for students due to generous sponsor
About English for JU:
“English for JU” is a weekly bilingual complimentary discussion group with changing topics, in the fields of culture, science and world peace organized by Cynthia and Udo Nieland at Jacobs University. The greater Jacobs community is invited to attend interdisciplinary talks by scientists, researchers, writers and artists. The Project is the winner of the Jacobs University “Social Involvement and Community Service Award 2017".

Event details and reservation
"A Tribute to Franz Schubert"


17 Uhr

St. Marien Konzertkirche Warfleth
St. Marien Konzertkirche Warfleth