Application portal
With this form you can apply for a temporary 3-month extension of your residence permit after your expected graduation date.
What this means:
I plan to take my examination(s) and/or submit my thesis after July (Spring Semester)/December (Fall Semester) and before the end of the semester (August 31/January 31), but my residence permit also expires at the end of the semester and therefore need to extend my residence permit for 3 months (November 30/April 30) to receive all my grades and diploma. With this option you will receive a confirmation letter you can take to the Immigration's Office (BSU) before the end of the semester to apply for a temporary extension of your residence permit.
Important note: If you still need to complete or retake modules/courses or you need to write make-up exams after the end of your study period, you need to apply for a regular extension of studies and submit a study plan via this Form for undergraduate students and this Form for graduate students.