
Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter

Professor of Social Systems and Ecological Economics
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT) /
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Raum: 3104
Fahrenheitstr. 6
D-28359 Bremen
Phone number
49 421 23800-104
Fax number
+49 421 23800-30
Email Address
ZMT Bremen
Research Interests
  • Institutional Economics
  • Ecological Economics
  • Experimental Economics
Selected Publications

Determinants of performance of community-based drinking water organizations

R Madrigal, F Alpízar, A Schlüter

World Development 39 (9), 1663-1675

Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems

S Partelow, A Schlüter, D Armitage, M Bavinck, K Carlisle, RL Gruby, ...

Resilience Alliance

Virtual reality as a tool for environmental conservation and fundraising

KM Nelson, E Anggraini, A Schlüter

Plos one 15 (4), e0223631

Governance and the coastal condition: Towards new modes of observation, adaptation and integration

K Van Assche, AK Hornidge, A Schlüter, N Vaidianu

Marine Policy 112, 103413

Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine social–ecological systems

M Glaser, P Christie, K Diele, L Dsikowitzky, S Ferse, I Nordhaus, ...

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (3), 300-308

The grammar of institutions: The challenge of distinguishing between strategies, norms, and rules

A Schlüter, I Theesfeld

Rationality and Society 22 (4), 445-475

A gender lens on women’s harvesting activities and interactions with local marine governance in a South Pacific fishing community

J Rohe, A Schlüter, SCA Ferse

Maritime Studies 17 (2), 155-162

Aquaculture-capture fisheries nexus under Covid-19: impacts, diversity, and social-ecological resilience

AO Manlosa, AK Hornidge, A Schlüter

Maritime Studies 20, 75-85

Land-sea interactions and coastal development: An evolutionary governance perspective

A Schlüter, K Van Assche, AK Hornidge, N Văidianu

Marine Policy 112, 103801

Institutioneller Wandel und Transformation: Restitution, Transformation und Privatisierung in der tschechischen Landwirtschaft

A Schlüter


Risk aversion, time preferences, and out-migration. Experimental evidence from Ghana and Indonesia

C Goldbach, A Schlüter

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 150, 132-148

Mangroves, fishers, and the struggle for adaptive comanagement: applying the social-ecological systems framework to a marine extractive reserve (RESEX) in Brazil

S Partelow, M Glaser, SS Arce, RSL Barboza, A Schlüter

Ecology and Society 23 (3), 19

External validity of artefactual field experiments: A study on cooperation, impatience and sustainability in an artisanal fishery in Colombia

LE Torres-Guevara, A Schlüter

Ecological Economics 128, 187-201

Institutional change in the forestry sector—The explanatory potential of New Institutional Economics

A Schlüter

Forest Policy and Economics 9 (8), 1090-1099

Operationalizing the social-ecological systems framework in pond aquaculture

S Partelow, P Senff, N Buhari, A Schlüter

International Journal of the Commons 12 (1), 485-518

A sustainability agenda for tropical marine science

S Partelow, A Schlüter, H von Wehrden, M Jänig, P Senff

Conservation Letters 11 (1), e12351

What makes them follow the rules? Empirical evidence from turtle egg harvesters in Costa Rica

R Madrigal-Ballestero, A Schlüter, MC Lopez

Marine Policy 37, 270-277

Nudging tourists to donate for conservation: Experimental evidence on soliciting voluntary contributions for coastal management

KM Nelson, S Partelow, A Schlüter

Journal of environmental management 237, 30-43

Disciplinary diversity in marine sciences: the urgent case for an integration of research

T Markus, H Hillebrand, AK Hornidge, G Krause, A Schlüter

ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (2), 502-509

Collective action in a tropical estuarine lagoon: Adapting Ostrom’s SES framework to Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia

LET Guevara, A Schlüter, MC Lopez

International Journal of the Commons 10 (1), 334-362


Publications on Scopus
Paramita, A.O. Partelow, S. Schlüter, A. Buhari, N.
International Journal of the Commons 2023 17 (1) pp. 462-480
Partelow, S. Cole, S.M. Cottrell, R.S. Gelcich, S. Gentry, R. Gephart, J.A. Glaser, M. Johnson, T.R. Jonell, M. Krause, G. Kunzmann, A. Asif, F. Kühnhold, H. Little, D.C. Marschke, M.J. Mizuta, D.D. Paramita, A.O. Pin, N. Salayo, N.D. Stentiford, G.D. Stoll, J. Troell, M. Béné, C. Turchini, G.M. Bush, S. Manlosa, A.O. Nagel, B. Schlüter, A. Chadag, V.M. Choudhury, A.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023 65
Schlüter, A. Kluger, L.C. Garteizgogeascoa, M. Damonte, G.
Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing 2023 pp. 300-317
Franke, A. Hillebrand, H. Peters, K. Hinkel, J. Hornidge, A.-K. Schlüter, A. Zielinski, O. Wiltshire, K.H. Jacob, U. Krause, G.
People and Nature 2023 5 (1) pp. 21-33
Kluger, L.C. Schlüter, A. Garteizgogeascoa, M. Damonte, G.
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 2022 24 (3) pp. 309-324
Halik, A. Verweij, M. Schlüter, A.
Marine Policy 2022 139
Partelow, S. Schlüter, A. O. Manlosa, A. Nagel, B. Octa Paramita, A.
Reviews in Aquaculture 2022 14 (2) pp. 729-750
Manlosa, A.O. Hornidge, A.-K. Schlüter, A.
Regional Environmental Change 2021 21 (4)
Partelow, S. Jäger, A. Schlüter, A.
Human Ecology 2021 49 (2) pp. 187-203
Manlosa, A.O. Hornidge, A.-K. Schlüter, A.
Maritime Studies 2021 20 (1) pp. 75-85
Schlüter, A. Bavinck, M. Hadjimichael, M. Partelow, S. Said, A. Ertör, I.
Ecology and Society 2020 25 (3) pp. 1-12
Nelson, K.M. Anggraini, E. Schlüter, A.
PLoS ONE 2020 15 (4)
Partelow, S. Song, A.M. Sousa, L.P. Văidianu, N. Van Assche, K. Schlüter, A. Armitage, D. Bavinck, M. Carlisle, K. Gruby, R.L. Hornidge, A.-K. Le Tissier, M. Pittman, J.B.
Ecology and Society 2020 25 (4) pp. 1-21
Hornidge, A.-K. Schlüter, A.
Maritime Studies 2020 19 (2) pp. 151-152
Partelow, S. Hornidge, A.-K. Senff, P. Stäbler, M. Schlüter, A.
PLoS ONE 2020 15 (2)
Van Assche, K. Hornidge, A.-K. Schlüter, A. Vaidianu, N.
Marine Policy 2020 112
Schlüter, A. Van Assche, K. Hornidge, A.-K. Văidianu, N.
Marine Policy 2020 112
Partelow, S. Fujitani, M. Soundararajan, V. Schlüter, A.
Ecology and Society 2019 24 (1)
Carrillo, I.I.C. Partelow, S. Madrigal-Ballestero, R. Schlüter, A. Gutierrez-Montes, I.
International Journal of the Commons 2019 13 (1) pp. 705-746
Partelow, S. Abson, D.J. Schlüter, A. Fernández-Giménez, M. von Wehrden, H. Collier, N.
International Journal of the Commons 2019 13 (1) pp. 747-776
Cerutti, N. Schlüter, A.
International Journal of Environmental Studies 2019 76 (6) pp. 1004-1018
Nelson, K.M. Partelow, S. Schlüter, A.
Journal of Environmental Management 2019 237 pp. 30-43
Rohe, J.R. Govan, H. Schlüter, A. Ferse, S.C.A.
Marine Policy 2019 100 pp. 90-97
Gehrig, S. Schlüter, A. Hammerstein, P.
PLoS ONE 2019 14 (1)
Partelow, S. Senff, P. Buhari, N. Schlüter, A.
International Journal of the Commons 2018 12 (1) pp. 485-518
Partelow, S. Glaser, M. Solano Arce, S. Sá Leitão Barboza, R. Schlüter, A.
Ecology and Society 2018 23 (3)
Spranz, R. Schlüter, A. Vollan, B.
Marine Policy 2018 96 pp. 270-277
Alt, M. Gallier, C. Schlüter, A. Nelson, K. Anggraini, E.
Games 2018 9 (3)
Nelson, K.M. Schlüter, A. Vance, C.
Ocean and Coastal Management 2018 162 pp. 34-45
Schlüter, A. Partelow, S. Fujitani, M.
Ocean and Coastal Management 2018 162 pp. 1-5
Goldbach, C. Schlüter, A.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2018 150 pp. 132-148
Goldbach, C. Schlüter, A. Fujitani, M.
Journal of Environmental Management 2018 209 pp. 475-483
Nelson, K.M. Schlüter, A. Vance, C.
Conservation Letters 2018 11 (2)
Markus, T. Hillebrand, H. Hornidge, A.-K. Krause, G. Schlüter, A.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018 75 (2) pp. 502-509
Halik, A. Verweij, M. Schlüter, A.
Sustainability (Switzerland) 2018 10 (1)
Partelow, S. Schlüter, A. von Wehrden, H. Jänig, M. Senff, P.
Conservation Letters 2018 11 (1)
Javaid, A. Janssen, M.A. Reuter, H. Schlüter, A.
Ecological Economics 2017 142 pp. 91-103
Rohe, J.R. Aswani, S. Schlüter, A. Ferse, S.C.A.
Frontiers in Marine Science 2017 4 (MAY)
Javaid, A. Kulesz, M.M. Schlüter, A. Ghosh, A. Jiddawi, N.S.
PLoS ONE 2016 11 (12)
Guevara, L.E.T. Schlüter, A. Lopez, M.C.
International Journal of the Commons 2016 10 (1) pp. 334-362
Torres-Guevara, L.E. Lopez, M.C. Schlüter, A.
Sustainability (Switzerland) 2016 8 (6)
Schlüter, A. Vollan, B.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2015 57 pp. 186-199
Weber de Morais, G. Schlüter, A. Verweij, M.
Global Environmental Change 2015 31 pp. 154-162
Schlüter, A. Wise, S. Mánez, K.S. de Morais, G.W. Glaser, M.
Sustainability (Switzerland) 2013 5 (12) pp. 5373-5390
Madrigal-Ballestero, R. Alpízar, F. Schlüter, A.
Water Resources and Rural Development 2013 1-2 pp. 43-56
Sandberg, A. Theesfeld, I. Schlüter, A. Penov, I. Dirimanova, V.
International Journal of the Commons 2013 7 (1) pp. 1-6
Madrigal-Ballestero, R. Schlüter, A. Claudia Lopez, M.
Marine Policy 2013 37 (1) pp. 270-277
Brandt, G. Merico, A. Vollan, B. Schlüter, A.
PLoS ONE 2012 7 (12)
Glaser, M. Christie, P. Diele, K. Dsikowitzky, L. Ferse, S. Nordhaus, I. Schlüter, A. Schwerdtner Mañez, K. Wild, C.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2012 4 (3) pp. 300-308
Schlüter, A. Vollan, B.
European Review of Agricultural Economics 2011 38 (1) pp. 79-97
University Education

Dissertation, Humboldt University Berlin (2001)

Diploma of Economics, Philipps-University Marburg (1997)

Work Experience

Working group leader Institutional and Behavioural Economics at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Bremen, Germany

Associate Professor for Social Systems and Ecological Economics, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany 

Department head of the Social Science Department of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Bremen, Germany 

Habilitation, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Venia Legendi: Environmental Economic 

Assistant professor at the Institute for Forest Economics of the Faculty for Forest and Environmental Science, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg 

Research Associate in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England 

Dissertation, Humboldt University Berlin 

Scientific staff member in the Department of Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt University of Berlin 

Diploma of Economics, Philipps-University Marburg