Dr. Fangning Hu
- Belief Propagation Applications: Channel Coding, Sudoku Solver
- Intelligent System Design: Intelligent Hardware, Data Acquisition from Sensors, Data Analysis, Object Detection
2004 – 2008 | Ph.D. Electrical Engineering | Jacobs University Bremen (current Constructor University), Germany |
2000 – 2003 | M.Sc. Computer Science | Gerhard-Mecator-University Duisburg (current Duisburg-Essen University), Germany, won DAAD scholarship for a Master's Program in Germany. |
1999 - 2000 | M. Sc. Electrical Engineering | Enrolled into the Master's program of Zhejiang University in the top 5% of students with entry-exam exemption. After one year of graduate study, selected by Zhejiang University to be one of the DAAD scholarship candidates. |
1995 – 1999 | B.Sc. Electrical Engineering | Zhejiang University, China, 4 years undergraduate education with full merit scholarships |
- 2020, Teacher of the Year, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
- 2005-2008, IEEE Fellowship
- 2000-2002, DAAD Award, Germany
- 1999, Enrolled into the Master program of Zhejiang University in the top 5% of students with entry-exam exemption
- 1995-1999, Merit Scholarship, Zhejiang University, China
2023 - present | Senior Lecturer | Digital Design, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Embedded Systems Lab, Robotics and Intelligent Mobile System Lab, Data Acquisition and Sensor Networks | Constructor University, Germany |
2016 – 2023 | University Lecturer | Advanced Digital Design, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Embedded Systems Lab, Robotics and Intelligent Mobile System Lab, Data Acquisition and Sensor Networks | Jacobs University Bremen, Germany |
2010 – 2014 | Lecturer | Information Theory, Computer Operating System | Hangzhou Dianzi University, China |
2008 – 2010 | Postdoc | Research area: 4G Technologies | Jacobs University Bremen, Germany |
2012 -2014 | Project leader | National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) No.61201142 | Belief Propagation on Channel coding, LDPC codes |
2008 -2010 | Main Investigator | Deutsch Forshung Gemeinschaft (DFG) No. HE-10 GEO-IDEC | Channel coding, LDPC codes |
2004 -2007 | Researcher | EU-research project ‘M-Pipe ‘ | OFDM system, impulse noise cancellation |
F. Zhang, C.Zang, M.Xu, X. Liu, F. Hu, H.Chao, Automated Verification of Noninterference Property: 20th International Conference, ICICS 2018, Lille, France, October 29-31, 2018, Proceedings
H. Wang, Q. Yao, F. Hu, et. Shuffled Belief Propagation Decoding Based on Variable Nodes Reliability, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, Vol. 30 (1): pp 78-83, 2015.
Y. Zhou, G. Jiang, M. Yu, F. Hu, H. Wang, A Hierarchical Error Concealment Algorithm for Entire B-frame Loss in Stereoscopic Video Coding with Hierarchical B Pictures, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp 377-383, 2014.
Y. Ding, S. Liu, F.Hu, Design of Multi-rate LDPC Codes Based on Protograph, Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University, Vol. 5, Nov. 7, 2013.
R. Guo, F.Hu, Jilin Liu, A Class of QC-LDPC Codes With High Performance and Low Complexity in Deep Space Communication, Chinese Journal of Space Science, Vol.04, pp 567-574, 2012.
R. Guo, F.Hu, Jilin Liu, Full diversity LDPC codes construction and density evolution analysis for H-ARQ Channels, Scientia Sinica Informationis, Vol. 08, pp 974-987, 2012.
F.Hu, W.Henkel, M.Zhao, Analog Codes for Gross Error Correction in Signal Transmission, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 341-342, part 2, p 514-518, ISBN-13: 978-3-03785-252-1, Switzerland, 2012.
R. Guo, F.Hu, Jilin Liu, High Performance Full Diversity LDPC Codes Construction Algorithm, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol. 12, pp 2935-2941, 2011.
R. Guo, F.Hu, Jilin Liu, A class of QC-LDPC codes with low error floor and linear encoding complexity, Journal of Circuits and Systems, Vol.06, pp 87-93+98, 2011.
J. Etesami, F.Hu, W.Henkel, LCD Codes and Iterative Decoding by Projections, a First Step Towards an Intuitive Description of Iterative Decoding, IEEE GLOBECOM 2011, Dec. 5-9, Houston, Texas, USA, 2011.
W. Henkel. F. Hu, I. Kodrasi, Inherent Time-Frequency Coding in OFDM and ISI Correction without a Cyclic Prefix, 14th International OFDM Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 2-3, 2009.
Fangning Hu, Analog Codes for Analysis of Iterative Decoding and Impulse Noise Correction, Ph.D. Dissertation, ISBN 978-3-8322-7972-1, Shaker Verlag, 2009.
F.Hu, W.Henkel, An Analysis of the Sum-Product Decoding of Analog Compound Codes, IEEE ISIT, Nice, France, June, 2007.
F.Hu, W.Henkel, A Geometric Description of the Iterative Least-Squares Decoding of Analog Block Codes, 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, Munich, April 3-7, 2006.
F.Hu, W.Henkel, Turbo-like Iterative Least-Squares Decoding of Analog Codes, IEE Electronics Letter, Vol. 41, Nr.22, p1233-p1234, Oct. 27, 2005.
W.Henkel, F.Hu, OFDM and Analog RS/BCH Codes, 10th International OFDM-Workshop 2005, Hamburg, Aug. 31 – Sept. 1, 2005.
F.Hu, Object tracking using a combination of a Support Vector Machine and the Condensation algorithm, Master Thesis, Technical University of Munich, 2003.
Guest Lecturer at Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences
Guest Lecturer at German University in Cairo
Lecturer at Hangzhou Dianzi University
Postdoctoral Researcher at Jacobs University Bremen
2013 – 2016 |
Visiting Scholar, Guest Lecturer |
Advanced Digital Design, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Embedded Systems Lab, Coding Theory |
Hochschule Bremen, Germany German University in Cairo, Berlin Jacobs University Bremen, Germany |
2012 | Trainer | 2G-4G Technologies | UTStarcom Incorporated, China |