
Dr. Franziska Deutsch

Distinguished Lecturer of Political Science
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3958
Fax number
+49 421 200-3955
Email Address
South Hall, Room 314
Research Interests
Political participation
Political culture
Political & social values, value change
University Education
2009PhD-Defense in Political Science (with special distinction)
2002 to 2009PhD fellow at Jacobs University Bremen, Graduate Program Integrated Social Sciences, PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christian Welzel, PhD Thesis: Participation and Democracy: Elite-Challenging Activities in Contemporary Democracies
2002Diploma in Political Science (with distinction) at Potsdam University; Diploma Thesis: Political Trust and Voting
Research and Teaching Positions
since 2011University Lecturer at Jacobs University Bremen; Field Coordinator at the Bremen International School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Field C “Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts”
2014 to 2015Guest Professor, Chair for Political Culture Research, Center for the Study of Democracy (ZDEMO), Leuphana University Lüneburg
2010 to 2011Research Associate at the Chair for Political Culture Research, Center for the Study of Democracy (ZDEMO), Leuphana University Lüneburg
2006 to 2010Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow at Jacobs University Bremen; Project Manager in a DFG-funded research project “Dynamics, Causes, and Consequences of Postindustrial Value Change: Germany in Global Comparison (Project Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christian Welzel)
2006 to 2010Various Teaching Appointments at Jacobs University Bremen
2006 to 2008Secretary General of the 19th International Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), July 27 – 31, 2008 at Jacobs University Bremen
2005 to 2006Teaching Appointment at University of Potsdam


Selected Publications
Deutsch, Franziska (2016): Protestkulturen. In Hans-Joachim Lauth, Marianne Kneuer and Gert Pickel (eds.), Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer, forthcoming.
Bogaards, Matthijs and Franziska Deutsch (2015): Deliberation By, With, and For University Students, in: Journal of Political Science Education, 11: 221-232.
Deutsch, Franziska and Klaus Boehnke (2015): Geschichte und Entwicklung der Politischen Psychologie. In Sonja Zmerli and Ofer Feldman (eds.), Einführung in die Politische Psychologie., Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 19-38.
Deutsch, Franziska and Katja Hanke (2015): Kultur und Politische Psychologie. In Sonja Zmerli and Ofer Feld­man (eds.), Einführung in die Politische Psychologie, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 260-276.
Welzel, Christian and Franziska Deutsch (2012): Emancipative Values and Nonviolent Protest: The Importance of ‘Ecological’ Effects, in: British Journal of Political Science, 42(2): 465-479.
Deutsch, Franziska, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen and Klaus Boehnke (2011): Can Happiness Change? An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Investigation of the Dynamics of Happiness. In Franziska Deutsch, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen and Klaus Boehnke (eds.), Crossing Borders: Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor. Conference Proceedings (E-Book) to the 19th International Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), July 2008: 1-9.
Deutsch, Franziska, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen and Klaus Boehnke (2011): Crossing Borders: Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor. Conference Proceedings (E-Book) to the 19th International Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), July 2008.
Wucherpfenning, Julian and Franziska Deutsch (2009): Modernization and Democracy: Theories and Evidence Revisited, in: Living Reviews in Democracy, Vol. 1 (2009).
Held, Maximilian, Jan Mueller, Franziska Deutsch, Ewa Grzechnik and Christian Welzel (2009): Value Structures and Dimensions: Evidence from the German WVS, in: World Values Research 2 (3), pp. 56-77. 
Deutsch, Franziska, Christian Welzel and Julian Wucherpfennig (2008): Civic Values and Value Change in Germany and Austria. In Thorleif Pettersson and Yilmaz Esmer (eds.), Changing Values, Persisting Cultures. Case Studies in Value Change (European Values Studies 12), Leiden: Brill, pp. 199-217.
Deutsch, Franziska, Lidet Tadesse, Natalie Schnelle, Jessica Price and Klaus Boehnke (eds.) (2008): Crossing Borders—(Cross-)Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary Multi-Method Endeavor. Book of Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany, 27-31 July 2008, Bremen: Jacobs University.
Welzel, Christian and Franziska Deutsch (2007): Value Patterns in Europe and the United States: Is There a Transatlantic Rift?. In Helmut K. Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar (eds.), The Cultures and Globalization Series, Volume 1: Conflict and Tensions, Los Angeles et al.: Sage, pp.241-252.
Deutsch, Franziska (2006): Legitimacy and Identity in the European Union. Empirical Findings from the Old Member States. In Viktoria Kaina and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski (eds.), European Identity. Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights, Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 149-178.
Kaina, Viktoria and Franziska Deutsch (2006): Verliert die ‘Stille Revolution‘ ihren Nachwuchs? Wertorientierungen in Deutschland im Kohorten- und Zeitvergleich. In Edeltraud Roller, Frank Brettschneider and Jan W. van Deth (eds.), Jugend und Politik: ‘Voll normal!’, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 157-181.
Welzel, Christian, Ronald Inglehart and Franziska Deutsch (2005): Social Capital, Associational Life, and Collective Action: Which Aspects of Social Capital Have the Greatest Civic Payoff?, in: Journal of Civil Society, Vol. 1(2), pp. 121-146.
Welzel, Christian, Ronald Inglehart and Franziska Deutsch (2005): Commentary on Wildmalm: A Rebuttle, in: Journal of Civil Society, Vol. 1(3), pp. 287-289.
Deutsch, Franziska and Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (2003): Die Berufsstruktur des Deutschen Bundestages – 14. und 15. Wahlperiode, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), 34 (1), pp. 21-32.
Kaina, Viktoria, Franziska Deutsch and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski (2003): Zwischen Euphorie und Skepsis – Demokratieverständnis und EU-Beitrittsakzeptanz in Polen. In Brettschneider, Frank, Jan W. Van Deth und Edeltraud Roller (eds.), Europäische Integration in der öffentlichen Meinung, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 185-210.
Publications on Scopus
Welzel, C. Boehnke, K. Delhey, J. Deutsch, F. Eichhorn, J. Kühnen, U. Dragolov, G. Hess, S. Larsen, M.
Journal of Open Psychology Data 2024 12 (1)
Delhey, J. Steckermeier, L.C. Boehnke, K. Deutsch, F. Eichhorn, J. Kühnen, U. Welzel, C.
Journal of Trust Research 2023 13 (2) pp. 140-163
Delhey, J. Hess, S. Boehnke, K. Deutsch, F. Eichhorn, J. Kühnen, U. Welzel, C.
Journal of Happiness Studies 2023 24 (7) pp. 2201-2222
Eichhorn, J. Spöri, T. Delhey, J. Deutsch, F. Dragolov, G.
Frontiers in Sociology 2022 7
Deutsch, F. Welzel, C.
Global Policy 2016 7 (4) pp. 563-570
Bogaards, M. Deutsch, F.
Journal of Political Science Education 2015 11 (2) pp. 221-232
Welzel, C. Deutsch, F.
British Journal of Political Science 2012 42 (2) pp. 465-479
Welzel, C. Deutsch, F.
Conflicts and Tensions 2007 pp. 241-252