Foto Jürgen Schönwälder

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schönwälder

Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3587
Fax number
+49 421 200-3103
Email Address
Research I, Room 87
Research Interests
  • Computer Networks
  • Distributed Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Computer Security

Computer networks are a key enabling technology. The Internet has not only changed the global economy — it also affects our private lives in many ways. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure, often considered alongside food, water, and energy supply. To provide robust and resilient network services that can scale to support large numbers of users, it is necessary to design the network and services as distributed systems that can tolerate failures, dynamically shift work loads, and stay responsive even in the face of attacks on the infrastructure. The group of Prof. Jürgen Schönwälder researches computer networks and distributed systems.

University Education
  • Doctoral Degree in Computer Science, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany (1996)
  • Diploma in Computer Science, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany (1990)
Research and Teaching Positions
  • Visiting Professor of Computer Science (C3), University of Osnabrück, (2001-2003)
  • Assistant Professor (C1), Technical University Braunschweig, Germany (1997-2001)
  • Visiting Researcher, Bell Labs, USA (1997)
  • Postdoc Researcher, University of Twente, Netherlands (1996-1997)
  • Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Germany (1993-1995)
Funded Projects
  • EU Horizon 2020 Concordia (2019-2023)
  • EU FP7 Flamingo (2012-2016)
  • EU FP7 Leone (2012-2015)
  • EU FP6 Emanics (2006-2009)
  • Several industry funded projects
Selected Publications
Publications on Scopus
Hota, A. Schonwalder, J.
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2022 2022 pp. 331-336
Wolf, M. Schonwalder, J.
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, MET 2021 2021 pp. 24-31
Granderath, M. Schonwalder, J.
Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020: Management in the Age of Softwarization and Artificial Intelligence, NOMS 2020 2020
Pavlou, G. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2020 58 (3) pp. 32-
Bajpai, V. Schonwalder, J.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2019 27 (2) pp. 577-590
Pavlou, G. Schonwalder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2019 57 (1) pp. 12-
van der Hooft, J. Serrat, J. dos Santos, C.R.P. De Turck, F. Claeys, M. Bouten, N. Wauters, T. Schönwälder, J. Pras, A. Stiller, B. Charalambides, M. Badonnel, R.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2018 26 (3) pp. 790-808
Pavlou, G. Schonwalder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2017 55 (7) pp. 142-
Bajpai, V. Ahsan, S. Schönwälder, J. Ott, J.
Computer Communication Review 2017 47 (5) pp. 4-11
Bajpai, V. Eravuchira, S.J. Schönwälder, J.
Computer Communication Review 2017 47 (5) pp. 27-34
Bajpai, V. Ott, J. Kühlewind, M. Trammell, B. Schönwälder, J. Sperotto, A.
Reproducibility 2017 - Proceedings of the Reproducibility Workshop, Part of SIGCOMM 2017 2017 pp. 1-4
Bajpai, V. Eravuchira, S.J. Schönwälder, J. Kisteleki, R. Aben, E.
Proceedings of the IM 2017 - 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management 2017 pp. 37-44
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings of the IM 2017 - 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management 2017 pp. 841-846
Schönwälder, J. Friedman, T. Pras, A.
Computer Communication Review 2017 47 (3) pp. 40-44
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2017 14 (1) pp. 8-21
Eravuchira, S.J. Bajpai, V. Schonwalder, J. Crawford, S.
2016 12th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2016 and Workshops, 3rd International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV, ManSDN/NFV 2016, and International Workshop on Green ICT and Smart Networking, GISN 2016 2017 pp. 181-187
Pavlou, G. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2017 55 (1) pp. 196-
dos Santos, C.R.P. Famaey, J. Schönwälder, J. Granville, L.Z. Pras, A. De Turck, F.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2016 24 (3) pp. 764-787
Pavlou, G. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2016 54 (7) pp. 130-
Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, A. Badonnel, R. Chrisment, I. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings of the NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2016 pp. 366-374
Bajpai, V. Berger, A.W. Eardley, P. Ott, J. Schönwälder, J.
Computer Communication Review 2016 46 (2) pp. 32-39
Pavlou, G. Schonwalder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2016 54 (1) pp. 90-
Tortonesi, M. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2015 2015
Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2015 12 (4) pp. 540-553
Ahsan, S. Bajpai, V. Ott, J. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2015 8995 pp. 249-261
Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, A. Badonnel, R. Chrisment, I. Schönwälder, J.
International Journal of Network Management 2015 25 (5) pp. 320-339
Pavlou, G. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2015 53 (7) pp. 134-135
Bajpai, V. Schonwalder, J.
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2015 17 (3) pp. 1313-1341
Steffie, V.B. Eravuchira, J. Schönwälder, J.
Computer Communication Review 2015 45 (3) pp. 35-42
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings of 2015 14th IFIP Networking Conference, IFIP Networking 2015 2015
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2015 23 (1) pp. 238-245
Tsiaras, C. Sehgal, A. Seeber, S. Dönni, D. Stiller, B. Schönwälder, J. Rodosek, G.D.
2014 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2014 2014
Siljanovski, A. Sehgal, A. Schonwalder, J.
EuCNC 2014 - European Conference on Networks and Communications 2014
Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, A. Badonnel, R. Chrisment, I. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2014 8508 LNCS pp. 92-104
Pavlou, G. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2014 52 (7) pp. 106-107
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2014 - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium: Management in a Software Defined World 2014
De O. Schmidt, R. Sadre, R. Melnikov, N. Schönwälder, J. Pras, A.
2014 IFIP Networking Conference, IFIP Networking 2014 2014
Sehgal, A. Mayzaud, A. Badonnel, R. Chrisment, I. Schönwälder, J.
2014 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, GIIS 2014 2014
Bashko, V. Melnikov, N. Sehgal, A. Schonwalder, J.
Proceedings of the 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2013 2013 pp. 328-335
Tauber, M. Bhatti, S.N. Melnikov, N. Schonwalder, J.
2013 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2013 2013 pp. 71-76
Seeber, S. Sehgal, A. Stelte, B. Rodosek, G.D. Schonwalder, J.
2013 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2013 and its three collocated Workshops - ICQT 2013, SVM 2013 and SETM 2013 2013 pp. 134-137
Bagnulo, M. Burbridge, T. Crawford, S. Eardley, P. Schönwälder, J.
2013 Future Network and Mobile Summit, FutureNetworkSummit 2013 2013
Bajpai, V. Schauer, J. Schonwalder, J.
Proceedings of the 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2013 2013 pp. 643-649
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2013 7943 LNCS pp. 41-44
Bajpai, V. Schönwälder, J.
2013 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2013 and its three collocated Workshops - ICQT 2013, SVM 2013 and SETM 2013 2013 pp. 130-133
Sehgal, A. Perelman, V. Küryla, S. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2012 50 (12) pp. 144-149
Korte, K.D. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2012 7279 LNCS pp. 50-61
Bajpai, V. Bashko, V. David, C. Kuryla, S. Perelman, V. Schauer, J. Melnikov, N. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings - 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Green Computing and Communications, GreenCom 2012, Conf. on Internet of Things, iThings 2012 and Conf. on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, CPSCom 2012 2012 pp. 72-78
Bajpai, V. Melnikov, N. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2012 7279 LNCS pp. 139-150
Kuryla, S. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2011 6734 LNCS pp. 100-111
Perelman, V. Melnikov, N. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings of the 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2011 2011 pp. 9-16
Sehgal, A. David, C. Schönwälder, J.
OCEANS'11 - MTS/IEEE Kona, Program Book 2011
Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2011 2011 pp. 53-58
Tumar, I. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2011 pp. 69-76
Drago, I. Barbosa, R.R.R. Sadre, R. Pras, A. Schönwälder, J.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2011 19 (2) pp. 298-304
Schönwälder, J. Marinov, V.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2011 8 (1) pp. 52-64
Kanev, K. Melnikov, N. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2010 6155 LNCS pp. 147-158
Sehgal, A. Tumar, I. Schönwälder, J.
OCEANS'10 IEEE Sydney, OCEANSSYD 2010 2010
Melnikov, N. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2010 6155 LNCS pp. 167-170
Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2010 6155 LNCS pp. 98-101
Tumar, I. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
MobiWac'10 - Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Co-located with MSWiM'10 2010 pp. 113-116
Schönwälder, J. Björklund, M. Shafer, P.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2010 48 (9) pp. 166-173
Keim, D.A. Pras, A. Schönwälder, J. Wong, P.C. Mansmann, F.
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 2009 9211
Sehgal, A. Tumar, I. Schönwälder, J.
OCEANS '09 IEEE Bremen: Balancing Technology with Future Needs 2009
Andrey, L. Festor, O. Lahmadi, A. Pras, A. Schönwälder, J.
International Journal of Network Management 2009 19 (6) pp. 527-548
Korte, K.D. Tumar, I. Schönwälder, J.
Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2009 pp. 881-888
Tran, H.M. Tumar, I. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2009 5637 LNCS pp. 83-94
Bhushan, S. Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2009 5843 LNCS pp. 143-154
Schönwälder, J. Fouquet, M. Rodosek, G.D. Hochstatter, I.C.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2009 47 (7) pp. 27-33
Tran, H.M. Lange, C. Chulkov, G. Schönwälder, J. Kohlhase, M.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2009 17 (3) pp. 285-308
Tumar, I. Sehgal, A. Schönwälder, J.
2009 6th IEEE Annual Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, SECON Workshops 2009 2009
Marinov, V. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2009 5841 LNCS pp. 15-28
Dobrev, P. Stancu-Mara, S. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2009 5637 LNCS pp. 147-160
Pras, A. Sadre, R. Sperotto, A. Fioreze, T. Hausheer, D. Schönwälder, J.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2009 17 (4) pp. 482-487
Tran, H.M. Chulkov, G. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5273 LNCS pp. 55-68
Hausheer, D. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5127
Schönwälder, J.
Handbook of Network and System Administration 2008 pp. 295-328
Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5351 LNAI pp. 417-429
Schönwälder, J. Marinov, V. Burgess, M.
NOMS 2008 - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium: Pervasive Management for Ubiquitous Networks and Services 2008 pp. 1067-1070
Tumar, I. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5127 LNCS pp. 200-204
Schönwälder, J. Hausheer, D.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2008 16 (4) pp. 449-453
Van Den Broek, G. Schönwälder, J. Pras, A. Harvan, M.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5127 LNCS pp. 134-147
Tran, H.M. Chulkov, G. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5273 pp. 55-68
Marinov, V. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008 5127 LNCS pp. 205-210
Schönwälder, J. State, R.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2008 16 (2) pp. 227-230
Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2008 46 (5) pp. 148-153
Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2007 4543 LNCS pp. 200-203
Tran, H.M. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2007 4785 LNCS pp. 50-61
Schönwälder, J. Pras, A. Harvan, M. Schippers, J. Van De Meent, R.
10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management 2007, IM '07 2007 pp. 323-332
Pras, A. Schönwälder, J. Burgess, M. Festor, O. Martínez Pérez, G. Stadler, R. Stiller, B.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2007 45 (10) pp. 104-110
Pras, A. Schönwälder, J. Stiller, B.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2007 15 (3) pp. 285-288
Harvan, M. Schönwälder, J.
IEEE Symposium Record on Network Operations and Management Symposium 2006 pp. 519-526
Marinov, V. Schönwälder, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2006 4269 LNCS pp. 25-36
Schönwälder, J.
2006 2nd Conference on Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, NGI 2006 2006
Schönwälder, J. Serrat, J.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 2006 14 (1) pp. 171-173
Schönwälder, J. Serrat, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2005 3775 pp. V-VI
Boutaba, R. Goldszmidt, G. Hegering, H.-G. Schönwälder, J. Sloman, M.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2005 23 (12) pp. 2209-2211
Pras, A. Schönwälder, J. Festor, O.
IEEE Communications Magazine 2004 42 (7) pp. 56-57
Other Professional Activities