Prof. Dr. Laurenz Thomsen
1982-1985 | University of Heidelberg, undergraduate |
1988-1989 | Institute for Oceanography, Kiel, graduate student |
1989 | Diplom in Biology at University of Kiel, Germany |
1990-1992 | Research Affiliate at University of Kiel |
1992 | Doctor of Sciences (Dr. rer . nat.) at University of Kiel |
1992-1998 | Research Associate in the Department of Environmental Geology, GEOMAR |
1995 | Guest scientist at the NIVA Institute, Oslo, Norway |
1997 | Guest scientist at the NIOZ Institute, Texel, Netherlands |
1998 | Habilitation at University of Kiel |
1999-2001 | Heisenberg fellow of the DFG at the School of Oceanography (University of Washington) |
09/2001- | Jacobs University faculty |
05/2002- 2006 2008 | Affiliate associate Professor at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle Full professor at Jacobs University Bremen Affiliate Full Professor of Biological Oceanography at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle |
1998 | Recipient of a Heisenberg Fellowship (Affiliate Associate Professor) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG |
2018 | “Taishan Expert” of Shendong Province, China |
1992-1998 | Lecturer in Biological Oceanography and Geochemistry for graduate students at Kiel University |
2000-2001 | Visiting lecturer at the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington, undergraduate and graduate classes |
2001- | Teaching Geosciences at Jacobs University |
2002- | Teaching Benthos at the University of Washington |
Research and International Experience
Director of OceanLab at Jacobs University. Focus on the ocean carbon cycle and fluxes of particulate matter within the benthic boundary layer at continental margins. R&D on mobile seafloor robots for cabled observatories. Studies on risk assessment and monitoring around offshore installations as well as CO2 mitigation programs with microalgae.
Examples of Synergistic Activities
Member of the Senate Commission on Oceanography of DFG (2012 to 2017). Associate editor of “Elementa” (2013 to present). Workpackage leader of the EU projects “Hermes” and “Esonet” and of the Helmholtz Alliance “Robex” (2012 to 2017). Coordinator of the international Coramm (2006-2010), and AnMBRA (2017-2019) projects; Board member of the Annette Barthelt Foundation for the promotion of young scientists in oceanography; JUB admission group (2002 – 2006); Program coordinator for Earth&Space Sciences at Jacobs University (2008-2011). Co-initiator of the German Space and Ocean sciences program Robex (Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments).
1993 - 2000 | Participant in the EU OMEX program (32 international partners) |
1996 - 1999 | Participant in the EU ALIPOR program (18 international partners) |
1999 - | PI in the US/Canadian NEPTUNE program (8 international partners) |
2002 - 2005 | PI in the EU EUROSTRATAFORM program (23 international partners) |
2002 - 2005 | PI in the EU ESONET program (21 international partners) |
2002 - 2005 | PI in the EU BIOFLOW program (13 international partners |
2005 - 2009 | PI/WP leader in the EU HERMES program (45 international partners) |
2006 - 2010 | Coordinator of the CORAMM project (7 international partners) |
2007 - 2011 | PI/WP leader in the EU ESONET NoE program (21 international partners) |
2008 – 2011 | PI in the EU EMSO program (21 international partners) |
2008 - 2009 | Coordinator of the RWE algae project (8 partners) |
2008 – 2011 | PI in the EU EMSO program (21 international partners) |
2008 - 2012 | PI in the StatoilHydro Lander program (4 international partners) |
2009 – 2012 | PI in the EU HERMIONE program (35 international partners) |
2009 – 2012 | PI in the BMBF BIOACID Project (14 partners) |
2010 – 2013 | PI of Bremen Algae projects (3 partners) |
2013 – 2017 | PI/WP Leader in the ROBEX project of Helmholtz Society |
2014 – 2016 | Cooperation in the AUFWIND Project |
2016 – 2019 | PI in the “Plume dispersal during ocean mining” project with BGR |
2017 – 2019 | Coordinator in the German-Israel AnMBRA project on microalgae |
2018 – 2021 | PI and WP leader in JPI Oceans2 “ Deep sea mining” (11 international partners) |
2019 – 2022 | PI in EU project “Blue-Harvesting” (8 international partners) |
- Deep sea monitoring with tele-operated robots
- Deep sea technology
- Cabled deep sea observatories
- Ocean monitoring strategies
Industry experience
- Coordinator of the CORAMM project with Equinor (Statoil)
- Coordinator of the RWE Algenproject
- Collaboration with Chinese industry partners for development of joint (utility) patents. “Robotfish”, Qingdao; “Haizhibao”, Weihai.
- Licensing technologies to Chin
- Co-founder of iSeaMC (www.iseamc.com), a robotic company
Graduate Students Granted Higher Degrees as 1st supervisor:
17 PhD students and 3 MS students plus additional 19 PhD students as Co-Supervisor