Dr. Mandi Larsen
Campus Ring 1
D-28759 Bremen, Germany
- Social cohesion
- Gender-based violence
- Health inequalities
PhD in Sociology
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen (2015)
- Dissertation title: Health inequities related to intimate partner violence against women: The role of social policy in the US, Germany, and Norway
- Supervisors: Heinz Rothgang, Karin Gottschall, Petra Brzank
Master of Public Health
Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City, USA (2004)
- Concentration: Population and Family Health
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Psychology
Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, USA (1999)
- Minor: Women's Studies
Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen)
- 2023-present: Senior Lecturer in Methods and Social Sciences, School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
- 2016-2023: University Lecturer in Methods of Empirical Social Research, School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
- 2016-present: Coordinator of the BIGSSS Methods Center
- 2015-2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Team of Prof. Klaus Boehnke
- 2015-2016: Affiliated Postdoctoral Fellow, BIGSSS
University of Applied Science Oslo and Akershus
- 2013: Visiting Doctoral Fellow, Norwegian Social Research Institute (NOVA), Oslo, Norway
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- 2008-2009: German Chancellor Fellow, Institute for Legal Medicine, Hamburg, Germany
Columbia University
- 2003-2004: Graduate Research Assistant, Averting Maternal Death & Disability Program, Mailman School of Public Health, New York City, USA
Editorial Activities
- Co-Editor with Dragolov G & Delhey J (2023). Research topic: The COVID-19 pandemic and social cohesion across the globe. Frontiers in Sociology.
- Larsen M (2016). Health inequities related to intimate partner violence against women: The role of social policy in the US, Germany, and Norway. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29565-7
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Welzel C, Boehnke K, Delhey J, Deutsch F, Eichhorn U, Dragolov G, Hess S, & Larsen M. (2024). The Values in Crisis Project: A three-wave panel study in Germany and the United Kingdom. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 12(1), 1. (open access)
- Larsen MM, Dragolov G, & Delhey J. (2023). Editorial: The COVID-19 pandemic and social cohesion across the globe. Frontiers in Sociology, 8: 1182452. (open access)
- Larsen MM, Boehnke K, Esenaliev D, & Brück T. (2021). Social cohesion, ethnicity and well-being: Results from an intervention study in Kyrgyzstan. Kul’turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-Historical Psychology], 17(4), 46–55. (open access)
- Arant R, Larsen M, & Boehnke K. (2021). Acceptance of diversity as a building block of social cohesion: Individual and structural determinants. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:612224. (open access)
- Jewett RL, Mah SM, Howell N & Larsen MM. (2021). Social cohesion and community resilience during COVID-19 and pandemics. A rapid scoping review to inform the United Nations Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 recovery. International Journal of Health Services, 51(3): 325-336. (open access)
- Ponizovskiy V, Arant R, Larsen M, & Boehnke K. (2020). Sticking to common values: Neighbourhood social cohesion moderates the effect of value congruence on life satisfaction. Journal of Community and Applied Psychology, 30(5): 530-546. (open access)
- Larsen M, Esenaliev D, Brück T, & Boehnke K. (2020). The connection between social cohesion and personality: A multi-level study in the Kyrgyz Republic. International Journal of Psychology, 55(1): 42-51. (open access)
- Delhey J, Boehnke K, Dragolov G, Ignácz Z, Larsen M, Lorenz J, & Koch M. (2018). Social cohesion and its correlates: A comparison of Western and Asian societies. Comparative Sociology, 17(3-4): 426-455. (open access)
- Larsen M, Krohn J, Püschel, K, & Seifert D (2014). Experiences of health and health care among women exposed to intimate partner violence: Qualitative findings from Germany. Health Care for Women International, 35(4): 359-379. (abstract)
- Larsen M (2011). Review of the book ‘Welfare States and Public Opinion: Perceptions of Healthcare Systems, Family Policy and Benefits for the Unemployed and Poor in Europe’ by Claus Wendt, Monika Mischke, and Michaela Pfeifer. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23(4): 558-561. (link)
- Seifert D, Krohn J, Larsen M, Lambe A, Püschel K, & Kurth H (2010). Violence against children: Further evidence suggesting a relationship between burns, scalds, and the additional injuries. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 124: 49-54. (abstract)
- Larsen M, Tax C, & Botuck S (2009). Standardizing practice at a victim services organization: A case analysis illustrating the role of evaluation. Administration in Social Work, 33: 439-449. (pdf)
- Casey S, Larsen M, McGinn T, Sartie M, Dauda M, & Lahai P (2006). Changes in HIV/AIDS/STI knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among the youth in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Global Public Health, 1: 249-263. (pdf)
- Larsen M, Casey S, Sartie M, Tommy J, Musa T, & Saldinger M (2004). Changes in HIV/AIDS and STI knowledge, attitudes, and practices among commercial sex workers and military forces in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Disasters, 28: 239-254. (pdf)
- CARE, IRC, & ARC. (2004). Tackling HIV/AIDS in post-war Sierra Leone. Forced Migration Review, 19, 24-25. (pdf)
Contributions to Edited Volumes
- Boehnke M, Larsen M & Deutsch F. (2021). Consequences of feminized migration: How are family gender relations affected? In R Abramowksi, A Hokema, I Dingeldey, A Schäfer, & S Scherger (Eds.), Geschlechterungleichheiten in Arbeit, Familie und Wohlfahrtsstaat (p. 413-435). Campus Verlag. (open access)
- Larsen M, Arant R, Grossert B, & Boehnke K. (2018). Willkommenskultur, Werthaltungen und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe: Was stärkt was in der ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘? In S. Stürmer & A. Rohmann (Eds.), Die Flüchtlingsdebatte in Deutschland – Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven. Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie (p. 79-92). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. doi: 10.3726/b13549
- Larsen M, Koch M, & Dragolov G. (2018). Measuring social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 49-68). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Dragolov G, Larsen M, & Koch M. (2018). Level, trend, and profiles of social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 69-96). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Dragolov G, Koch M, & Larsen M. (2018). Macro-level determinants and consequences of social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 97-136). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Larsen M & Dragolov G. (2018) A new perspective on social cohesion in Asia. What holds Asian societies together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (p. 137-148). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.). Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Welzel, C., Boehnke, K., Delhey, J., Deutsch, F., Eichhorn, J., Kühnen, U., Dragolov, G., Hess, S., & Larsen, M. (2023). Values in crisis - a crisis of values? Moral values and social orientations under the imprint of the Corona pandemic. GESIS, Cologne. ZA7989 Data file Version 1.0.0, https://doi.org/10.4232/1.14148
Undergraduate Level
- Academic Writing and Academic Skills (formerly Academic and Professional Skills), Constructor University (Fall 2011, 2017-2024)
- The Sociology of Conflict and Crisis, Constructor University (Fall 2023)
- Data Collection and Empirical Research Methodologies, Constructor University (Spring 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Gender-Based Violence: Understanding Challenges and Moving Forward, Constructor University (Fall 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
- Survey and Questionnaire Design, Jacobs University Bremen (Spring 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
- Statistics for Experimental Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen (Spring 2017, 2018, 2019)
- Data Analysis and Statistical Inference with SPSS, Jacobs University Bremen (Spring 2018, 2019)
- Empirical Research Methodology, Jacobs University Bremen (Fall 2017, 2018)
Master's Level
- Digital Public Spheres, MS Data Science for Society and Business, Constructor University, Germany (Spring 2024)
- Advanced Qualitative Methods, MA International Relations, Constructor University (Fall 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Advanced Quantitative Methods, MA International Relations, Constructor University (Spring 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Data Analysis Using EpiInfo Software, MPH Program on Forced Migration, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City, USA (Spring 2004, 2005)
Doctoral Level
- Methodologies in the Social Sciences, BIGSSS, Constructor University (Spring 2017, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
- Survey Methodologies, BIGSSS, Constructor University (former Jacobs University Bremen) (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2024)
- Reading, Understanding, and Using Statistics as a Qualitative Researcher, BIGSSS, University of Bremen (Spring 2023)
- Analysis Strategies for Qualitative Research (together with Dr. Regina Arant), BIGSSS, Jacobs University Bremen (Spring 2022)
- Qualitative Research (together with Dr. Juan Masullo J.), BIGSSS, Jacobs University Bremen (Fall 2018)
Doctoral Supervision
Tatiana Chalaya, BIGSSS, University Bremen and Constructor University (In Progress)
- Working title: Social cohesion, social policy and authoritarian governance - the role of socially oriented NGOs in the healthcare sector in Russia
Darsana Varier, BIGSSS, University Bremen and Constructor University (In Progress)
- Working title: Misused and misinterpreted - The discourse of vulnerability and antifeminism in the Global South
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss
Master Thesis Advising
Rosalie Handschuch, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (In Progress)
- Working title: An analysis of South Korean public diplomacy: Strategies, challenges, and implications
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
Tom Melzow, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (In Progress)
- Working title: Coup d'etat and the Cold War
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
Flora Szabo, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (In Progress)
- Working title: Populism in the digital age: Exploring the German Alternative für Deutschland Party's narratives on migration and international implications of political mobilization
- First supervisor with Prof. Dr. Manfred Hinz
Niklas Schomburg, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2024)
- Working title: The impact of the digital transformation on social cohesion: Evidence from a panel data analysis
- First supervisor with Dr. Georgi Dragolov
Danielle Peters, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2024)
- Affecting, sorting, and ideology — Coming to terms with polarization: A case study of polarization in the US and UK
- First supervisor with Dr. Franziska Deutsch
Lara Jähnke, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2024)
- Working Title: History as a tool: A discourse analysis of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s communication concerning the Single European Act and the Maastrict Treaty
- First supervisor with Dr. Julia Timpe
Gabrielle Wright, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2024)
- Working Title: Media framing and social movement mobilization: The case of climate change movements (2018-2023)
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff
Belle Bashaw, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2023)
- Accelerating through the pandemic? Examining social acceleration theory in the context of COVID-19
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff
Kelsey Hartman, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2023)
- Securitizing China’s rise: Evolving U.S. construction of China’s threat to democracy, world order, and American hegemony
- Second supervisor with Dr. Berenike Prem
Nadine Wunderer, MA International Relations, Constructor University and University of Bremen (2023)
- The transnationalization of women’s human rights: The public sphere and the Istanbul Convention
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
Nicole Cagar, MA International Relations, Jacobs University Bremen and University of Bremen (2021)
- A cross comparison of refugees’ access to health care in the U.S. and Germany
- First supervisor with Dr. Steffen Bandlow-Raffalski
Talina Zähl, MSc Psychologie, Jacobs University Bremen (2020)
- Intercultural awareness within the German social support system for cases of intimate partner violence
- First supervisor with Dr. Regina Arant
Natalie Noto, MSc Psychologie, Jacobs University Bremen (2019)
- Motivationsvideos und Motivation zur Zielverfolgung – Eine Mixed Method Untersuchung mit einer studentischen Stichprobe
- Second supervisor with Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke
Bachelor Thesis Advising
Carlo Giulini, BA Society, Media & Politics, Constructor University (2024)
- Exploring self-objectification among young adults on TikTok: A visual content analysis of sexually charged content
Hannah Fischer, BA International Relations: Politics and History, Constructor University (2024)
- Conflict beyond borders: Examining the impact of US anti drug policies in North and South America through Merida Initiative and Plan Colombia
Ana Paula Pozo Laso, BA International Relations: Politics and History, Constructor University
- Government policy as a determinant of increasing organized drug crime provoking insecurity in Ecuador: A state fragility analysis
Syeda Saleha Ali, BA International Relations: Politics and History, Constructor University (2024)
- Role and influence of women on gender-based policies: A comparative analysis
Jeannie Yoo Jin Kang, BA Society, Media, & Politics, Constructor University (2023)
- Perception and utilization of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator among young South Koreans: A phenomenological case study
Paula Kunz, BA Society, Media, & Politics, Constructor University (2023)
- Exploring the meaning of social ties for international students’ well-being in their first year of university during the COVID-19 pandemic
Syna Vastardis, BA Integrated Social & Cognitive Psychology, Constructor University (2023)
- Fashion as a mediating variable of gender expression and the schematic perceptions of gender
Eleanor Cwik, BA Integrated Social Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen (2022)
- The subjective understandings of safety amongst Jacobs University residential students
- Winner of the Jacobs University Deans’ Prize for Outstanding Bachelor’s Thesis in the School of Business, Social and Decision Sciences
Andi Boçari, BA Global Economics and Management, Jacobs University Bremen (2022)
- Unexplored heterogeneity in retrospective-quasi experimental design: How does the World Cup increase domestic abuse in England?
Emilia Erginn, BA Integrated Social Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen (2021)
- The effect of intercultural training on the working climate in a German higher education institution
Konrad Buse, BA Soziologie, University of Bremen (2021)
- Intimpartnergewalt aus soziologischer Perspektive: Ein integrativer Ansatz und seine Implikationen für die Präventionsarbeit im Bundesland Bremen
- Second supervisor with Dr. Mandy Boehnke