Marina Christodoulou
I have been awarded a Dr.Phil in Philosophy (2022) in a co-supervision (co-tutelle) between the Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt (Austria) and the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France), for which I received a distinction as well as the Georges Bastide Prize of the French Academy in Toulouse.
I have held multiple postdoctoral fellowships in Philosophy, such as at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa (African Phenomenology), The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Ontological Exhaustion and Fatigue), the Center for Advanced Studies - South East Europe (Violence against Women), and at the University of Exeter (Fatigue and exhaustion within Philosophy of Science). I am also currently completing my MBA in Digital Business Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Lapland, Finland, and I am also about to start studying for a Master’s in Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University, Sweden.
I have taught as a visiting Lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt (Ancient Philosophy, Gender, Feminism, and other), at the University of Nicosia (Medical Ethics), and at the University of Limassol (Business Ethics & Sustainability), before coming to Constructor University, Bremen in 2024.
I have previously studied at the University of Cyprus, completed an MSc in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, a MSc in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh, and a Diploma in Digital Filmmaking at SAE Athens. I have also attended a psychotherapy counselling training at a Psychotherapeutic Centre in Athens. I have also completed three postgraduate university diplomas (Diplômes Universitaires) in France on the topics of Philosophy of Psychiatry (Toulouse III), Gender Practices: Education, Medicine, Psychoanalysis and Society (Paris VII), on Addictions- Addictology (Paris VII), and a Zertifikat “Gender-Wissen” in Klagenfurt, too.
I was also a free auditor for a number of seminars at the EHESS [École des hautes études en sciences sociales] and I have participated and gave talks to a vast number of conferences, seminars, and summer schools all over Europe, and I have I have published more than 20 papers (including articles, books chapters, and conference proceedings). I am currently editing two volumes for Angelaki Journal and Routledge on my current project on “Ontological Exhaustion”, among other publications I am preparing for. This is also my habilitation project, which will be published as a monograph.
Areas of specialization
Post-Kantian Continental Philosophy [esp. German Idealism, Phenomenology, Poststructuralism], Ontology, Philosophy of Psychiatry, Psychoanalytic Theory, Feminism-Gender Studies, Philosophy and Literature, Aesthetics of Philosophical Writing and Style, Philology and Philosophy (esp. the case of Nietzsche), Film and Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Areas of competence
Social and (Inter-)Cultural Philosophy, Bio-Philosophy, Posthumanism, Ecological Philosophy, Philosophical Anthropology, French Spiritualism, Philosophy of Life-Lebensphilosophie
[Bergson, Jonas, Hadot, von Uexküll, and others]
2016-2022 | Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt & Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès Dr.Phil. Philosophy (Supervisors: Alice Pechriggl and Jérôme Lèbre) Thesis Title: "Life as Addiction" Successfully defended on 17 June 2022 with a distinction (Grade 1) |
Recipient of the Prix Georges BASTIDE de L’Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse (Sujet de discipline philosophique) | |
2020-2022 | EHESS [École des hautes études en sciences sociales] Auditor (Auditrice Libre) Seminars in Philosophy, Anthropology, Mental Health, Gender |
2021-2022 | Université de Paris (Paris 7 Diderot) DU (Diplôme Universitaire) Addictions : Cliniques des Risques et Dépendances |
2020-2021 | Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt Zertifikat “Gender –Wissen” Grade: 1 ("Sehr gut") |
2020-2021 | Université de Paris (Paris 7 Diderot) DU (Diplôme Universitaire) Pratiques de Genre: Éducation, Medecine, Psychanalyse et Société [Postgraduate University Diploma: Gender Practices: Education, Medicine, Psychoanalysis and Society] |
2019-2020 | DIU (Diplôme Inter-Universitaire) de “Philosophie de la Psychiatrie” [Postgraduate Inter-University Diploma: Philosophy of Psychiatry] (Universities of Toulouse, Bordeaux, and Marseille) |
2012-2014 | SAE Athens Diploma in Digital Filmmaking |
2009-2011 | University of Edinburgh MSc in Film Studies |
2008-2009 | University of Edinburgh MSc in Ancient Philosophy |
2004 - 2008 | University of Cyprus Department of Classics & Philosophy BA Hons in Philosophy Supervisors: Inna Kupreeva, Martine Beugnet, Alice Pechriggl, and Jérôme Lèbre |
2024-2027 | Lecturer in Philosophy Constructor University, Bremen, Germany |
2024-2025 | Research Fellow Centre of Advanced Studies Iméra Aix-Marseille Université Project: “Ontological Exhaustion: Being-Tired, and Tired-of-Being: a phenomenology of fatigue, exhaustion, and burnout. Considerations on Contemporary Work/Labour” |
2023 – 2024 | Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy and in Philosophy and Gender [Lehrauftrag in Philosophie & Genderforschung] Institut für Philosophie & Universitätszentrum für Frauen*- und Geschlechterstudien (UZF*G) University of Klagenfurt, Austria |
2023-2024 | Visiting Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics School of Medicine University of Nicosia (UNIC), Cyprus |
2023-2024 | Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Business Ethics, and Sustainability CIIM Business School University of Limassol (UoL), Cyprus |
10/2023 – 11/2023 | 2023/2024 EPSA Fellow Visiting fellow of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) 4th Cohort of EPSA Fellows https://philsci.eu/fellowships Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis), University of Exeter Supervision: Prof. Sabina Leonelli (Director of Egenis) (Areas: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Life Sciences, Cognitive and Biomedical Sciences, Genomics, Data Technology, Environmental Data Science, Open Science, Artificial Intelligence) Research on the project “Ontological Exhaustion” Active involvement in Conferences, Seminars, and Research Groups at Egenis (“Egenis Research Exchange”, “Neurodiversity Reading Group”, “Philosophy Colloquium”) Egenis Research Exchange (ERE) seminar on my own Project |
01/2023 – 06/2023 | Visiting Spring CAS SEE Research Fellow Center for Advanced Studies - South East Europe University of Rijeka, Croatia Dir. Petar Bojanić; permanent and honorary fellows include Alenka Zupančič, Nenad Miščević, Erol Bilibani, Maurizio Ferraris, Libby Morris, Peter Eisenman, Michael Walzer, and others) in partnership with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade]− including 1 week stay (Project Surgery) at Moise Palace at Cres −. Fellowship Project: “End of Violence” from various disciplinary perspectives Personal Project: “How to Kill a Woman in the Real and in Art: Violence against Women in Fiction and ‘Non-Fiction’” Organizing a series of seminars/talks with guests, writing an essay on violence, and organizing a public event. |
12/2022 – 07/2024 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) Project on “Ontological Exhaustion” Supervision: Ass.-Prof. Sylvia Borissova |
07/2022 –12/2022 | Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy (visiting, non-stipendiary) Department of Philosophy, University of Fort Hare, South Africa Research in (African) Phenomenology, and African Philosophy Supervision: Prof. Abraham Olivier |
09/2017 – 06/2022 | Doctoral Research Department of Philosophy, University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, France (co- supervision with the University of Klagenfurt) |
11/2015 – 06/2022 | Doctoral Research Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (co-supervision with the University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès) |
03/2024 | Nominated as a Research Fellow at Iméra, University of Aix-Marseille, for 2024. Kindly declined for a lectureship position at Constructor University Bremen. |
02-04/2024 | European Commission: Invited Participant/Discussant, among 150 European Citizens: three 3-day meetings in Brussels for a discussion of sustainability issues in the European Union. (February-April 2024) |
06/2023 | Prix Georges BASTIDE de L'Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse pour la Thèse « La Vie comme Addiction » [“Life as Addiction”], https://www.academie-sciences-lettres-toulouse.fr |
04/2023 | Shortlisted for the Moritz Schlick Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSECP) [Metaphysics, Ontology] at the University of Vienna |
07/2023 | Nominated as a Visiting fellow of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) at the University of Exeter (Egenis): 10/2023 – 11/2023 |
01/2023 | Nominated as a Visiting Spring CAS SEE Fellow at Center for Advanced Studies - South East Europe (University of Rijeka, Croatia; dir. Petar Bojanić) [in partnership with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade |
12/2022 | Nominated as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy at the Academy of Sciences (BAS) in Sofia, Bulgaria |
07/2022 | Nominated as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Fort Hare, South Africa |
06/2008 | Department of Classics & Philosophy Prize (Valedictorian). |
- Ontological-Existential Exhaustion: Being-Tired, and Tired-of-Being: a philosophy of fatigue and exhaustion
- Neither "pathēmatōn", nor "symptōmatōn", or "kataphaseōn" katharsin: The non-cathartic philosophy of "non-decision" and "ephexis in decision"
- Essaying-in-philosophy as an ephexis in decision
- The Fundamental Trust that there is Ground below our Feet
From Trust to the Ethics of Empathy and back/ Eco-ethical perspectives on Trust and Empathy
Journal of Ethical Studies, 8:1, pp. 47-69, 2023 - Irritability (Need) and An-irritability (Fatigue): A Disorder of Rhythms – the Ontological Burnout (Part A)
Filosofiya-Philosophy, 2023 - La religion au XXIe siècle
- Is the Weissean Surrogate the Latest Philosophical “Development” of the Confucian Ritual?
IS4SI 2021, 2022 - The question of the Freedom of Will in Epictetus
- I Own therefore I Am. The Ontology of Property
- Technopolis as the Technologized Kingdom of God Fun as Technology, Technology as Religion in the 21st century. God sive Fun
- Lo Sguardo - rivista di filosofia N. 23, 2017 (I) - Reinventare il reale. Jean Baudrillard (2007-2017)
- Wassard Elea Rivista III, no 3 (giugno 12, 2016): On Ugliness
- “To be dead is an unthinkable anomaly”. Reversed Necropolitics and the Death Imaginary