Prof. Dr. Mathias Winterhalter
Campus Ring 6 / 28759 Bremen / Germany
Selective permeability is a key feature of biological membranes, and is controlled by the lipid membrane and membrane proteins, which form channels that allow specific molecules to pass through. Our team develops methods to quantify transport across membranes and membrane channels. In particular, we are trying to understand the pathway of antibiotics on a molecular level. At Constructor University, we collaborate closely with the teams lead by Prof. Ullrich Kleinekathöfer, Prof. Werner Nau, and Prof R. Wagner, as well as with our collaboration partner at the Fraunhofer Institute IME in Hamburg.
Technische Universität Berlin
September 1978 - August 1984
Field of study
Freie Universität Berlin
September 1978 - August 1984
Field of study
Professor of Biophysics at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III
Habilitation in Biophysics at University of Basel
Scientific Assistant for Biophysical Chemistry at University of Basel
Research Assistant at University of Wuerzburg
Postdoc at NIH/Washington
Lecturer at Fachhochschule der Deutschen Bundespost