
Prof. Dr. Francesco Maurelli

Associate Professor of Marine Systems with a focus on Marine Robotics
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3111
Fax number
+49 421 200-3103
Email Address
Research I, Room 50a
Research Interests

In Marine Systems and Robotics, Prof. Francesco Maurelli’s group applies robotics, automation, artificial intelligence and algorithmic approaches to autonomous robots operating in the marine domain — whether underwater, on the surface, or above the water. Such research can be applied to, for example, ocean exploration, subsea installation management, maritime traffic automatisation, and improving the safety and efficiency of operations at sea. While many techniques in this field are tailored to the marine domain, its robust intelligent systems can be applied to other areas. The group is involved in research projects spanning a variety of domains — from underwater to space — using a diversity of research methodologies, from theoretical scientific research to industrial applications to operations in the field.

Selected Publications

EKF-SLAM for AUV navigation under probabilistic sonar scan-matching

A Mallios, P Ridao, D Ribas, F Maurelli, Y Petillot

2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …

A particle filter approach for AUV localization

F Maurelli, S Krupinski, Y Petillot, J Salvi

OCEANS 2008, 1-7

A 3D laser scanner system for autonomous vehicle navigation

F Maurelli, D Droeschel, T Wisspeintner, S May, H Surmann

2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 1-6

Blue sky ideas in artificial intelligence education from the EAAI 2017 new and future AI educator program

E Eaton, S Koenig, C Schulz, F Maurelli, J Lee, J Eckroth, M Crowley, ...

AI Matters 3 (4), 23-31

Pose-based SLAM with probabilistic scan matching algorithm using a mechanical scanned imaging sonar

A Mallios, P Ridao, E Hernández, D Ribas, F Maurelli, Y Petillot

Oceans 2009-Europe, 1-6

Persistent autonomy: the challenges of the PANDORA project

DM Lane, F Maurelli, P Kormushev, M Carreras, M Fox, K Kyriakopoulos

IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (27), 268-273

AUV localisation: a review of passive and active techniques

F Maurelli, S Krupiński, X Xiang, Y Petillot

International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 6 (2), 246-269

The PANDORA project: A success story in AUV autonomy

F Maurelli, M Carreras, J Salvi, D Lane, K Kyriakopoulos, G Karras, M Fox, ...

Oceans 2016-Shanghai, 1-8

Spirit of Berlin: An autonomous car for the DARPA Urban Challenge-hardware and software architecture

J Rojo, R Rojas, K Gunnarsson, M Simon, F Wiesel, F Ruff, L Wolter, ...

Technical semifinalist paper of DARPA Urban Challenge

Acoustic-based techniques for autonomous underwater vehicle localization

Y Petillot, F Maurelli, N Valeyrie, A Mallios, P Ridao, J Aulinas, J Salvi

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …

Sonar-based AUV localization using an improved particle filter approach

F Maurelli, Y Petillot, A Mallios, P Ridao, S Krupinski

Oceans 2009-Europe, 1-9

Pandora: Persistent autonomy through learning, adaptation, observation and re-planning

DM Lane, F Maurelli, T Larkworthy, D Caldwell, J Salvi, M Fox, ...

IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 367-372

Investigation of autonomous docking strategies for robotic operation on intervention panels

S Krupinski, F Maurelli, G Grenon, Y Petillot

OCEANS 2008, 1-10

PANDORA-persistent autonomy through learning, adaptation, observation and replanning

DM Lane, F Maurelli, P Kormushev, M Carreras, M Fox, K Kyriakopoulos

IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (2), 238-243

Spirit of berlin: An autonomous car for the DARPA urban challenge hardware and software architecture

T Berlin

retrieved Jan 5, 2010

A robotics course during covid-19: Lessons learned and best practices for online teaching beyond the pandemic

A Birk, E Dineva, F Maurelli, A Nabor

Robotics 10 (1), 5

Onboard system of hybrid underwater robotic vehicles: Integrated software architecture and control algorithm

C Yu, X Xiang, F Maurelli, Q Zhang, R Zhao, G Xu

Ocean Engineering 187, 106121

Integrated MCM missions using heterogeneous fleets of AUVs

F Maurelli, P Patrón, J Cartwright, J Sawas, Y Petillot, D Lane

2012 Oceans-Yeosu, 1-7

Energy-aware fault-mitigation architecture for underwater vehicles

V De Carolis, F Maurelli, KE Brown, DM Lane

Autonomous Robots 41, 1083-1105

Nessie v turbo: a new hover and power slide capable torpedo shaped auv for survey, inspection and intervention

N Valeyrie, F Maurelli, P Patron, J Cartwright, B Davis, Y Petillot

AUVSI North America 2010 Conference, 8-83


Publications on Scopus
University Education

University of Liverpool

AI & Robotics

2006 - 2007


Sapienza Università di Roma

Master, Computer Engineering, AI & Robotics

2002 - 2007


Work Experience

Director at Kosmo Strategio Ltd.

Research Scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research Associate and Scientific Project Manager at Technical University of Munich

Research Associate at Heriot-Watt University

ESR at HWU, FREEsubNet

Student Researcher at Fraunhofer IAIS