
Prof. Dr. Richard Wagner

Adjunct Professor of Biophysics
School of Science
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Campus Ring 6 / 28759 Bremen / Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3136
Fax number
+49 421 200-3249
Email Address
Research II, Room 38
Selected Publications

Tom40 forms the hydrophilic channel of the mitochondrial import pore for preproteins

K Hill, K Model, MT Ryan, K Dietmeier, F Martin, R Wagner, N Pfanner

Nature 395 (6701), 516-521

A prokaryotic potassium ion channel with two predicted transmembrane segments from Streptomyces lividans.

H Schrempf, O Schmidt, R Kümmerlen, S Hinnah, D Müller, M Betzler, ...

The EMBO journal 14 (21), 5170-5178

A presequence-and voltage-sensitive channel of the mitochondrial preprotein translocase formed by Tim23

KN Truscott, P Kovermann, A Geissler, A Merlin, M Meijer, AJM Driessen, ...

Nature structural biology 8 (12), 1074-1082

Protein insertion into the mitochondrial inner membrane by a twin-pore translocase

P Rehling, K Model, K Brandner, P Kovermann, A Sickmann, HE Meyer, ...

Science 299 (5613), 1747-1751

Dissecting membrane insertion of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins

S Kutik, D Stojanovski, L Becker, T Becker, M Meinecke, V Krüger, C Prinz, ...

Cell 132 (6), 1011-1024

Multiple pathways for sorting mitochondrial precursor proteins

N Bolender, A Sickmann, R Wagner, C Meisinger, N Pfanner

EMBO reports 9 (1), 42-49

Tom22 is a multifunctional organizer of the mitochondrial preprotein translocase

S van Wilpe, MT Ryan, K Hill, AC Maarse, C Meisinger, J Brix, PJT Dekker, ...

Nature 401 (6752), 485-489

The peroxisomal importomer constitutes a large and highly dynamic pore

M Meinecke, C Cizmowski, W Schliebs, V Krüger, S Beck, R Wagner, ...

Nature Cell Biology 12 (3), 273-277

Single particle characterization of iron-induced pore-forming α-synuclein oligomers

M Kostka, T Hogen, KM Danzer, J Levin, M Habeck, A Wirth, R Wagner, ...

Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (16), 10992-11003

Reconstitution of a chloroplast protein import channel

SC Hinnah, K Hill, R Wagner, T Schlicher, J Soll

The EMBO journal

The chloroplast protein import channel Toc75: pore properties and interaction with transit peptides

SC Hinnah, R Wagner, N Sveshnikova, R Harrer, J Soll

Biophysical journal 83 (2), 899-911

Tim50 maintains the permeability barrier of the mitochondrial inner membrane

M Meinecke, R Wagner, P Kovermann, B Guiard, DU Mick, DP Hutu, ...

Science 312 (5779), 1523-1526

Plant neurobiology: no brain, no gain?

A Alpi, N Amrhein, A Bertl, MR Blatt, E Blumwald, F Cervone, J Dainty, ...

Trends in plant science 12 (4), 135-136

Tim22, the essential core of the mitochondrial protein insertion complex, forms a voltage-activated and signal-gated channel

P Kovermann, KN Truscott, B Guiard, P Rehling, NB Sepuri, H Müller, ...

Molecular cell 9 (2), 363-373

Motor-free mitochondrial presequence translocase drives membrane integration of preproteins

M van der Laan, M Meinecke, J Dudek, DP Hutu, M Lind, I Perschil, ...

Nature Cell Biology 9 (10), 1152-1159

Protein import channel of the outer mitochondrial membrane: a highly stable Tom40-Tom22 core structure differentially interacts with preproteins, small tom proteins, and import …

C Meisinger, MT Ryan, K Hill, K Model, JH Lim, A Sickmann, H Müller, ...

Molecular and cellular biology 21 (7), 2337-2348

The preprotein conducting channel at the inner envelope membrane of plastids

L Heins, A Mehrle, R Hemmler, R Wagner, M Küchler, F Hörmann, ...

The EMBO journal

Origin of a chloroplast protein importer

B Bölter, J Soll, A Schulz, S Hinnah, R Wagner

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (26), 15831-15836

Isolation and characterization of an amino acid-selective channel protein present in the chloroplastic outer envelope membrane

K Pohlmeyer, J Soll, T Steinkamp, S Hinnah, R Wagner

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (17), 9504-9509

The mitochondrial import protein Mim1 promotes biogenesis of multispanning outer membrane proteins

T Becker, LS Wenz, V Krüger, W Lehmann, JM Müller, L Goroncy, N Zufall, ...

Journal of Cell Biology 194 (3), 387-395


Publications on Scopus
Blum, D. Reuter, M. Schliebs, W. Tomaschewski, J. Erdmann, R. Wagner, R.
Biological Chemistry 2023 404 (2-3) pp. 157-167
Wagner, M. Wagner, R. Schmitt, L. Blum, D. Raschka, S.L. Nentwig, L.-M. Gertzen, C.G.W. Chen, M. Gatsogiannis, C. Harris, A. Smits, S.H.J.
Journal of Molecular Biology 2022 434 (14)
Ahmed, T. Bafna, J.A. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Vellekoop, M.J. van den Driesche, S.
Membranes 2022 12 (3)
Chen, M. Blum, D. Engelhard, L. Raunser, S. Wagner, R. Gatsogiannis, C.
Nature Communications 2021 12 (1)
Ahmed, T. van den Driesche, S. Bafna, J.A. Oellers, M. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Vellekoop, M.J.
Biomedical Microdevices 2020 22 (2)
Ahmed, T. Bafna, J.A. van den Driesche, S. Oellers, M. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Vellekoop, M.J.
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019 2019 pp. 360-361
Schmitt, C. Bafna, J.A. Schmid, B. Klingl, S. Baier, S. Hemmis, B. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Voll, L.M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes 2019 1861 (10)
Ahmed, T. Den Driesche, S.V. Arun Bafna, J. Oellers, M. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Vellekoop, M.J.
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2019 2019-October
Van Den Driesche, S. Vellekoop, M.J. Dobielewski, M. Oellers, M. Ahmed, T. Terrasse, R. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018 2018 3 pp. 1417-1420
Oellers, M. Ciacchi, L.C. Vellekoop, M.J. Van Den Driesche, S. Wei, G. Ahmed, T. Bhamidimarri, S.P. Hemmler, R. Gall, K. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018 2018 4 pp. 2235-2238
Samanta, S. Winterhalter, M. Van Den Berg, B. Ceccarelli, M. Bodrenko, I. Acosta-Gutiérrez, S. D'Agostino, T. Pathania, M. Ghai, I. Schleberger, C. Bumann, D. Wagner, R.
ACS Infectious Diseases 2018 4 (10) pp. 1519-1528
Ando, T. Franck, C. Fritzsche, M. Gerritsen, H. Giepmans, B.N.G. Grunewald, K. Hofkens, J. Hoogenboom, J.P. Janssen, K.P.F. Kaufman, R. Klumpermann, J. Bhamidimarri, S.P. Kurniawan, N. Kusch, J. Liv, N. Parekh, V. Peckys, D.B. Rehfeldt, F. Reutens, D.C. Roeffaers, M.B.J. Salditt, T. Schaap, I.A.T. Brending, N. Schwarz, U.S. Verkade, P. Vogel, M.W. Wagner, R. Winterhalter, M. Yuan, H. Zifarelli, G. Collinson, L. De Jonge, N. Debroye, E. Eggeling, C.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2018 51 (44)
Ghai, I. Bajaj, H. Bafna, J.A. Hussein, H.A.E.D. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2018 293 (18) pp. 7030-7037
Citak, F. Ghai, I. Rosenkötter, F. Benier, L. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2018 495 (1) pp. 1454-1460
Krüger, V. Warscheid, B. Pfanner, N. Wagner, R. Meisinger, C. Becker, T. Becker, L. Montilla-Martinez, M. Ellenrieder, L. Vögtle, F.-N. Meyer, H.E. Ryan, M.T. Wiedemann, N.
Journal of Cell Biology 2017 216 (11) pp. 3485-3495
Niemann, M. Harsman, A. Mani, J. Peikert, C.D. Oeljeklaus, S. Warscheid, B. Wagner, R. Schneider, A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017 114 (37) pp. E7679-E7687
Ghai, I. Pira, A. Scorciapino, M.A. Bodrenko, I. Benier, L. Ceccarelli, M. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2017 8 (6) pp. 1295-1301
Ghai, I. Winterhalter, M. Wagner, R.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2017 484 (1) pp. 51-55
Ellenrieder, L. Guiard, B. Meisinger, C. Wiedemann, N. Schleiff, E. Wagner, R. Pfanner, N. Becker, T. Opaliłski, Ł. Becker, L. Krüger, V. Mirus, O. Straub, S.P. Ebell, K. Flinner, N. Stiller, S.B.
Nature Communications 2016 7
Meinecke, M. Bartsch, P. Wagner, R.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 2016 1863 (5) pp. 821-827
Montilla-Martinez, M. Beck, S. Klümper, J. Meinecke, M. Schliebs, W. Wagner, R. Erdmann, R.
Cell Reports 2015 13 (10) pp. 2126-2134