Sohaib Hassan

Prof. Dr. Sohaib S. Hassan

Assistant Professor of Management Science and Business Analytics
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Res. IV | Campus Ring 1 | D-28759 Bremen
Phone number
+49 421 200 4721
Email Address
Research IV, Room 126
Research Interests

"I specialize in strategic management and decision-making related to innovation, digitalization, and resilience. My academic pursuits are centered on employing econometric and data analytic methods to study and empirically explore the dynamics of organizations, industries, and regions, with the aim of uncovering practical insights that guide the development of successful strategies and effective policies." 

Selected Publications
University Education
  • Ph.D. (Max Planck Institute of Economics & Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
  • M.B.A. (University of Leipzig, Germany)
  • M.Sc. Economics (University of the Punjab, Pakistan)
  • B.A. (University of the Punjab, Pakistan)
Work Experience

Habilitand, Faculty III – School of Economic Disciplines, University of Siegen

Research Coordinator & Advisor, SME Graduate School, Faculty III, University of Siegen

Member, BMBF Research Group – KontiKat, Faculty III, University of Siegen

Ongoing Teaching
  • Transformational Change Management (MCSSE-MGT-03) 

  • Digital Business Models and Functions (MDSSB-DTRANS-02) 

  • Customer-centric Mindset and Agile Delivery Management (MCSSE-LAS- 04)