
Prof. Dr. Jakob Suchan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Phone number
Email Address
Res. I, 168
Research Interests

My research lies in the intersection of AI, Computer Vision, and Human-Centred Computing. In particular, I am interested in how we can develop general methods and tools that enable autonomous systems to abstract, understand, reason about, and learn from multimodal (human) Interactions, with the aim to assist humans in their everyday personal and professional tasks. 

From a technical point of view this includes for instance: 

  • Commonsense Abstractions of Space and Motion 
  • Declarative Reasoning and Learning about Visuospatial Dynamics 
  • Neurosymbolic Integration of AI and Vision 
  • Visual Perception (e.g., involving eye-tracking)
Selected Publications

Out of sight but not out of mind: an answer set programming based online abduction framework for visual sensemaking in autonomous driving

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Varadarajan

28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019)

Visual Explanation by High-Level Abduction: On Answer-Set Programming Driven Reasoning about Moving Objects

J Suchan, M Bhatt, P Wałęga, C Schultz

AAAI 2018

Semantic question-answering with video and eye-tracking data: AI foundations for human visual perception driven cognitive film studies

J Suchan, M Bhatt

Proceedings of the twenty-fifth international joint conference on artificial …

Commonsense visual sensemaking for autonomous driving–On generalised neurosymbolic online abduction integrating vision and semantics

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Varadarajan

Artificial Intelligence 299, 103522

Cognitive interpretation of everyday activities: toward perceptual narrative based visuo-spatial scene interpretation

M Bhatt, J Suchan, C Schultz

2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative

Grounding dynamic spatial relations for embodied (robot) interaction

M Spranger, J Suchan, M Bhatt, M Eppe

PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Pacific Rim …

Artificial intelligence for predictive and evidence based architecture design

M Bhatt, J Suchan, C Schultz, V Kondyli, S Goyal

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1)

Robust natural language processing-combining reasoning, cognitive semantics and construction grammar for spatial language

M Spranger, J Suchan, M Bhatt


The geometry of a scene: On deep semantics for visual perception driven cognitive film, studies

J Suchan, M Bhatt

2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1-9

Perceptual narratives of space and motion for semantic interpretation of visual data

J Suchan, M Bhatt, PE Santos

Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …

Answer set programming modulo ‘space-time’

C Schultz, M Bhatt, J Suchan, PA Wałęga

Rules and Reasoning: Second International Joint Conference, RuleML+ RR 2018 …

Deep semantic abstractions of everyday human activities: on commonsense representations of human interactions

J Suchan, M Bhatt

ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference: Volume 1, 477-488

Commonsense scene semantics for cognitive robotics: towards grounding embodied visuo-locomotive interactions

J Suchan, M Bhatt

ViPAR, ICCV Workshops 2017

Deeply semantic inductive spatio-temporal learning

J Suchan, M Bhatt, C Schultz

26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming

Semantic Analysis of (Reflectional) Visual Symmetry: A Human-Centred Computational Model for Declarative Explainability

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Vardarajan, SA Amirshahi, S Yu

Advances in Cognitive Systems, 65-83

Talking about the moving image: A declarative model for image schema based embodied perception grounding and language generation

J Suchan, M Bhatt, H Jhavar

arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.03276

Driven by commonsense

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Varadarajan

ECAI 2020, 2939-2940

Cognitive vision and perception

M Bhatt, J Suchan

ECAI 2020, 2881-2882

The perception of symmetry in the moving image: Multi-level computational analysis of cinematographic scene structure and its visual reception

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Yu

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 142-142

Multimodal interaction in autonomous driving. Towards human visual perception driven standardisation and benchmarking

V Kondyli, M Bhatt, J Suchan

9th European starting AI researchers symposium (STAIRS), at the 24th …


Publications on Scopus