Erica Staufert Carvalho
Erica Staufert CarvalhoBSc International Logistics Management and Engineering | 2015
Nationality: Brazilian/German. I have lived, before Jacobs, in Brazil, the UAE, Mozambique, and England
Graduate School: MSc Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Kuhne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany
Current Position: Global Supply Chain Project Manager, Barry Callebaut Group, Zurich, Switzerland
Position at time of interview: Young Graduate Trainee, IBM Client Innovation Center, the Netherlands

Tell us a bit about your path.
After Jacobs, I got a Masters degree in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Kuhne Logistics University. I also had an internship, then a student job, and then a job at Lufthansa Technik in the Business and Development Strategy department. I am currently in the Young Graduate Trainee program at IBM, which teaches you how to be a consultant for 8 weeks, and then you join the consulting teams.
What do your days look like currently?
My days at work in IBM are focusing on intensive training regarding programming, consulting, blockchain, and all new trends of technology. It will then follow into putting me into consulting teams in a new (yet unknown specific role) and working in projects for various different clients in different industries.
What did Jacobs do for you that you were not expecting?
Jacobs did a few things I did not expect. It taught me a lot about the German culture in regards to working, it gave me actual job experience through my semester internship, it also taught me about technology as well as economics which were things I never thought of going into but with the transdisciplinary curriculum it allowed me to dive into as well as my major.