Fabian Russmann
Fabian RussmannBSc Physics | 2012
Current Position: Managing Data Analytics Consultant at D ONE, Zurich - Switzerland
Graduate School: MSc Physics, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Nationality: German

How did you find out about Jacobs?
I discovered Jacobs at the end of my high school, and I was immediately convinced by the concept of it – small, international, and transdisciplinary – because in a German university, you are pretty much bound to your major from day one. Jacobs programs are not like that at all.
Germans are usually hesitant about the idea of a private university – what made you choose Jacobs?
I spent time in the US, so I was not shocked, at that point, by the idea of paying for university. Of course, it is an extra burden, but I received a financial aid package and a scholarship which made it easier. It was the same for everyone else as well!
Thoughts on the study program
Thinking back, I guess I could have leveraged that more!
When I started my Master of Science in Physics at ETH, which is a huge university, I realized that Jacobs has a very broad Physics education. I did not even need to take many of the foundational courses that most other Masters students had to take on top of the required courses for the program because I had already had those courses as part of the Jacobs program.
What did you think about your professors/faculty members?
I found the faculty very approachable, and they really care. They wanted you to succeed without lowering their requirements and expectations of you. It is really important not to discourage students at that age, and I feel in a public university, it is the complete opposite where there is a process of weeding out students so the exams are tougher on purpose in the first semester.
Last Homecoming, I remember going to the Major Reunion, and all the professors were very eager to hear what we have been up to. They are genuinely interested in how you turned out.
Favorite memories of Jacobs
The closeness. Being able to meet up for a game of pool, visiting friends, study sessions in the QSA (Quiet Study Area), working with friends, having dinner together in the serveries, naps in between, homework sessions, etc.
What did Jacobs do for you that you were not expecting?
In a way, it made me a more relaxed person. I thought there would be a lot of competition and people showing off because it is a private university – turns out it was not like that at all. I did not feel pressure because it is a friendly and cooperative atmosphere, and everyone is down-to-earth, very live-and-let-live, and liberal (lots of hippies and people interested in business). There are no American-style rules either, I felt very free academically and personally.