Francoise De Sutter Olmedo
Francoise De Sutter OlmedoBA Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology | 2016
Nationality: half-Belgian, half-Ecuadorian
Graduate School: MSc Psychology of Language, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Current Position: AWS Sourcing Recruiter, Amazon Web Services, Luxembourg
Position at time of interview: Recruiting Coordinator

What do your days look like currently?
It depends on how many candidates I have. At times when we have several candidates, most of my day is spent keeping in touch with them and arranging their interviews and process. However, I also spend a lot of time on projects that interest me and could improve the workflow of my team. Topics like diversity and inclusion are especially very important to me and something I am passionate about, so I talk to a lot of different people across the company to collaborate.
What attracted you to Jacobs out of all the other possibilities you were considering?
The multiculturalism. Simply, Jacobs was the only university that offered an education in a place with people from so many different countries, which was very valuable for me. I spent most of my life in one country with people from a similar background, and this opportunity was one that I could not ignore.
In order to study at Jacobs I had a merit scholarship, and while I was there, I received another for my work in the community.
What did Jacobs do for you that you were not expecting?
I think it developed my leadership skills and confidence in a way I did not expect. In high school, I did not really participate in many events or clubs, but at Jacobs, I have lost count on how many activities I took part in. I learned a lot from these activities and also from the people I worked with, and Jacobs taught me how to get out of my comfort zone.