Alumni Homecoming 2019: Another Reunion for the Books



September 25, 2019

This past weekend, Jacobs University hosted the 15th annual Alumni Homecoming Reunion on campus and welcomed alumni from all generations of the university’s past to come back home. As tradition goes, the weekend was full of many events and opportunities for alumni to not only reconnect with one another but to also create a new connection with current students.

It was not even 10 a.m. yet, but the campus at Jacobs University was already crowded with a large crossover between all the generations of Jacobian history; from the very first graduate of the university to the very last student that arrived on campus. Why? Because the 20th of September was the first day, and kick-off, of Jacobs Alumni Homecoming 2019 and this time, three reunions took place at once: the 15-year reunion of class of 2004, the 10-year reunion of class of 2009, and the five-year reunion of class of 2014.    

While checking in at the welcome desk, alumni made the first contact with long lost friends and classmates of the past and caught up on everything that they’ve missed out on since Graduation. But it was at the Career Symposium, where their enriching voices got loud and serious. In solidarity with millions of people in 156 countries gathering for climate strikes on this Friday, the Career Symposium tackled “Starting Up with Social Responsibility: Ethical Dimensions of Entrepreneurship” as the focus point. The keynote speech was presented by Dr. Marlen De La Chaux, a Jacobs alumna and the Technical Officer at the UN’s International Labour Organization in Geneva. With over 250 students, alumni, and faculty present in the audience, this was one of the most fruitful and conducive Career Symposiums, which has taken place in recent years at Jacobs University.

Then, it was time to network and mingle between students, alumni, faculty, and local company representatives at the Networking Reception in the Campus Center. Here, students had the chance to practice their elevator pitches, nurture their professional network, and get to know alumni in an informal setting. The Symposium Reception was followed by the Bar Chillout at the beloved TOS (The Other Side), with alumni and faculty.

On Saturday, Jacobs Alumni attended the long-awaited Major Reunions, where they met up with each other and current students to discuss topics related to their majors and study programs; be it International Relations Politics and History, Integrated Social Sciences, Life Sciences (BCCB, MCCB, Chemistry), Physics & Earth and Environmental Sciences, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Intelligence Mobile Systems. Both students and alumni provided very positive feedback about this, as students welcomed all support from the alumni, whilst alumni loved to assist current students and give back to the university that made many of their opportunities possible. After this excitement, the Alumni Spring Break BBQ made sure Alumni remained energized and well-fed, and the outdoor games were another small highlight. Needless to say, Alumni were also here to exchange views on the Alumni Association, which did occur at the General Assembly just after the BBQ. With presentations from the Alumni Board and University Leadership, alumni were kept up to date on all relevant developments.

Alumni then attended the fabulous Alumni Gala Dinner Fundraiser at the Strandlust Vegesack, including a beautiful musical performance by Agne Karose and Joshua Frenster, followed by a Student Art Auction Fundraiser. The funds raised this year for the Alumni Scholarship will be dedicated to the highly esteemed Professor of Mathematics, Ronny Wells, a distinguished professor and University founder. Ronny was present in the audience, along with some other pioneering figures and friends of the University. To name some of the benchmarks of the Gala Dinner were also the inspirational words by this year’s Alumni Scholarship receiver, Mayssane Boudi, and the heartfelt speeches by the Alumni Association’s former presidents, Peter Dabrowski, and Anne Valtink and the new president Stefan Rustler. Thrilled by the outcomes of the Gala Dinner, everyone joined the big Alumni Party on campus to celebrate.   

On Sunday, Alumni broke bread with current students at the Brunch Hangover, before saying farewell to their alma mater and returning to their countries all over the world.  

Jacobs University would like to thank all alumni for coming back to campus and making this weekend so special and unforgettable. We are already looking forward to seeing you again next year!