Ambassador to Ethiopia visits Jacobs University Bremen

From left to right: Professor Claas Knoop, Bannour Hadroug, H.E Mulu Solomon, Thomas Gerkmann and Tirudl Shitaye (Source: Jacobs University) ,


November 27, 2019

What does an international university with students from over 120 different nations look like? How does its educational approach – combining the benefits of the German as well as the Anglo-Saxon model – prepare its students to be forward thinking and cosmopolitan?

The Ambassador to Ethiopia in Germany, H. E Mulu Solomon, the Honorary Consul of Ethiopia, Thomas Gerkmann, and Tirudl Shitaye, Commercial and Trade Attaché, asked themselves this question and honored Jacobs University with a visit. “It is a great testimony to our university that an internationally renowned expert like H.E Mulu Solomon is interested in our unique institution”, says Bannour Hadroug, Head of Student Marketing and Recruitment. In addition to her work as Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mulu Solomon has over 25 years of experience in leadership and management in higher education.

Dr. Claas Knoop, Professor of International Relations at Jacobs University, particularly enjoyed the exchange of ideas on how Jacobs University and Ethiopia’s academic institutions could cooperate in the future. Professor Knoop knows both countries well: From 2006 to 2010, he was German Ambassador to Ethiopia and Djibouti.

Besides a campus tour with the President of Jacobs University, Professor Michael Hülsmann, and members of the Management Board, Bannour Hadroug and Jens V. Dünnbier, the delegation visited Dr. Matthias Ullrich, Professor of Microbiology, in his laboratory to get an introduction to his field of research.