Analyzing data, securing supply chains

  July 7, 2016 To Microsoft? To Google? To Facebook? Or go on for a doctorate? Successful graduates of the program for a master’s degree in data engineering at the prestigious English-language Jacobs University can pick and choose where they want to work after getting their master’s degree. Rahul Bhat from India and Tom Wiesing from Germany are also experts in big data. They and their fellow students are rare – and are sought after all around the world. The program is part of the Focus Area Mobility at the international university in Bremen – as is the Supply Chain Engineering and Management master’s program.  Rahul Bhat studied computer engineering at Pune University in India before coming to Jacobs University in Bremen. “Worldwide there are very few universities that offer such a program,” he says. The acquisition, analysis, structuring, and processing of the ever-increasing volumes of data, for instance through visualization, are the focus of the two-year course of study. “From an ocean of data, we filter out those items relevant to the questions that interest us, process them, and thus make them accessible,” explains Tom. Processes such as machine learning, programming languages, or Internet security are elements of the program. In addition to mandatory courses, the students can choose from a large number of additional courses to determine their own focus. They are also integrated in the research projects of their professors. “It’s unbelievable how much I’m learning here,” says Rahul. Researching increasingly complex streams of data, as well as goods and people, is one of the focal areas of Jacobs University, especially the Focus Area Mobility. This focus area also includes the international course of study in Supply Chain Engineering and Management. With a close relevance to actual practice, the two-year master’s program prepares students to develop, organize, and manage complex supply chains and networks for the widest variety of areas and conditions.  “One of the things that makes this course of study so special is its global orientation,” says the student Alan A. Mata Sànchez of Mexico. Particularly for international companies and organizations, the reliability and efficiency of their supply chains across geographic and cultural boundaries constitute a central criterion for success. “We are familiarized with this international environment, and we ourselves study in an intercultural environment. We also learn how to master cultural challenges,” says Alan. With about 1,200 students from 100 countries, Jacobs University is one of the most international universities in Germany. Those who complete their master’s degree can follow up here with a doctorate. Additional information on the courses of study is available at: Data Engineering: Chain Engineering and Management: