Another success for Jacobs University in THE ranking: Engineering and technology courses achieve top ratings



November 30, 2018

The biosciences and physical sciences at Jacobs University Bremen have already achieved excellent results in the World University Ranking of the Times Higher Education (THE) magazine. Now another range of subjects received top ratings. In a worldwide comparison, Jacobs University's range of engineering and technology courses ranked 151-175. A total of 500 universities from 50 countries took part in the ranking.

Under the generic term "engineering and technology", THE combines subjects such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or chemistry. These disciplines are represented at Jacobs University by the degree programs "Electrical and Computer Engineering", "Industrial Engineering & Management", "Chemistry" and "Supply Chain Engineering & Management".

The THE Ranking is one of the most respected university rankings in the world. It is based on 13 indicators from the fields of research, teaching, knowledge transfer to industry, international orientation and publications in professional journals. Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology ranked first, followed by Oxford University.

"This success in the renowned THE ranking once again proves the quality of our study programs. It reflects the pronounced practical orientation, the intensive supervision of students and our high standards of research and teaching. All these factors mean that our graduates have excellent opportunities on the national and international job market," says Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann, President of Jacobs University.

Jacobs University had already positioned itself as one of the 300 best universities worldwide in the general THE World University Ranking. No other private university in Germany performed better. At the same time, according to the ranking, Jacobs University is the most international university in Germany. The more than 1400 students at Jacobs University come from 111 countries, around 80 percent of whom have moved to Germany for their studies.

In other parts of the THE ranking the university had only recently achieved excellent results as well. The university's biosciences program was rated one of the 200 best in the world. In the field of physical sciences, the international, English-medium university ranked among the top 300.