The best student business ideas: Invitation to the online finals of the Jacobs Startup Competition

A highly motivated team of students from different countries, study programs and graduating classes is organizing the Jacobs Startup Competition 2021. (Source: private) ,


February 25, 2021
Who has the most exciting, the most promising, the most future-oriented business idea? 180 student teams from all over the world have applied to the Jacobs Startup Competition 2021.Ten have made it to the finals. On March 13, it will be decided who can convince the jury and win the competition. A total of 4,500 euros in prize money is at stake. Guests are welcome to attend the online event.

, The Jacobs Startup Competition 2021 will take place on March 13. (Source: private)

The concepts presented at the startup competition could hardly be more diverse, and many of them are extremely ambitious. One team has set out to rid the world of bacterial diseases and intends to start in agriculture. Another is aiming to deliver smart but affordable technologies and data to improve the harvests of smallholder farmers in Malawi. A third team has developed an implant to combat glaucoma, one of the world's leading causes of blindness. Many of the startups relied on the power of Artificial Intelligence for their business ideas.

Teams from South Africa, Singapore, Great Britain and from Jacobs University have qualified for the finals. There, they can get suggestions and feedback on their projects from experienced mentors. Experts will provide tips for a successful startup. Keynote speakers will be Céline Flores Willers and J.T. Rehill. Presenter, book publisher and founder Willers is one of the most important influencers on the topics of innovation, entrepreneurship and tech trends on the business network LinkedIn. The US-American Rehill is an experienced trainer and coach as well as founder of the "Learning Advanced" consulting agency, which primarily addresses educators.

For the first time, the Jacobs Startup Competition, which is organized independently by students of the international university, will be broadcast entirely online. Interested parties will have the opportunity to follow the keynote speeches and the five-minute pitches of the finalists via zoom on Saturday, March 13, from 12:30p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to network with other participants, companies and founders, ask questions and experience the award ceremony.

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