Bioinformatics team receives new funds


September 23, 2015

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is funding the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio) with additional 5.8 million Euros in order to address the rising demand for scientific data management. Part of the joint project with 19 partners are Prof. Frank Oliver Glöckner and his Postdoctoral Fellows Marc Weber and Ivaylo Kostadinov (pictured above). They develop workflows and software for GFBio users to easily manage and safe-guard molecular biology data.

“Molecular data is growing exponentially, but so is the effort to manage it“, says Prof. Glöckner. Currently, their work is focused on helping scientists submit their data for long-term archiving with minimal effort - a kind of data broker between the researchers and the data archives. One of the main challenges is to standardize the way scientists describe their data, so that it is easy to find and can be reused later on.