From Boston to Bremen: Global Teaching Labs at Constructor University

Global Teaching Labs: Two students from MIT will be teaching German high school students interested in STEM subjects on campus of Constructor University in Bremen. (Source: Constructor University)
Global Teaching Labs: Two students from MIT will be teaching German high school students interested in STEM subjects on campus of Constructor University in Bremen. (Source: Constructor University)

Constructor University in Bremen and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are once again offering high school students from Bremen the opportunity to explore their passion for STEM subjects in an international setting. For MIT students Mollie Edmondson and Julian Yocum, it is the first experience abroad.

Whether at a summer school for programming or in tutorials for fellow classmates at MIT – both, Mollie Edmondson and Julian Yocum, have already gained a lot of teaching experience. Even though Mollie majors in Aerospace Engineering, she is still passionate about Physics and Chemistry. What she loves most about teaching is the opportunity to, not only convey theories and information, but also trigger new interests, morals and relationships.

Julian, a student of Physics, specializes in Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics and Computer Science. He also enjoys the diversity of teaching and the chance to dive deeper into the subjects by explaining and discussing the topics. Thanks to the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives Office (MISTI), Mollie and Julian are now able to gather teaching experience abroad. It is their first trip to Europe – in Bremen they are hosted by Constructor University professors Hilke Brockmann and Song Yan.

Together with Constructor University students Tina Andonovsk and Dmytro Kolisnyk, they will be teaching German high school students interested in STEM subjects. During a two-week preparatory phase, they are currently working on theoretical and practical elements for the workshops in Chemistry and Physics, supported by Ulrich Kortz, Professor of Chemistry, and Jürgen Fritz, Professor of Physics. They will apply their teaching concepts in classrooms and laboratories on the university campus at the end of January.

“We are thrilled about the funding of 8,500 EUR by the Heraeus Foundation, which enables us to offer the workshops once again free of charge,” said Freia Hardt, Director of Student Affairs at Constructor University.

The workshops are aimed at high school students in their last term from Bremen and will be held in English. Students will be able to deepen their knowledge in Chemistry and Physics through innovative teaching methods. In addition, they will get to know the research facilities of the university, insights to student life on campus, as well as experience international collaboration.

More information:

Questions answered by:
Freia Hardt | Director of Student Affairs | Tel.: +49 421 200-4343


About Constructor University:
An international community, vibrant and diverse. Offering academic excellence, ensuring the highest standards in research and teaching. Empowering students to solve the world's pressing challenges through knowledge and science: Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-speaking, private university. Founded in 2001, it provides a wide range of 25+ academic programs and PhD. The Constructor ecosystem comprises the University, located in Bremen, Germany, and an institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Over 1.800 students from more than 110 nations on campus benefit from a unique interdisciplinary, foundational theoretical and practical education. Enriched with a buzzing entrepreneurial culture that prepares young professionals to thrive in the job market. With 6.000+ alumni worldwide, our community keeps growing – with our highest cohort ever registered in 2022.
The research-centric faculty projects are funded by the German Research Foundation and the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation as well as by globally leading companies.
The Constructor ecosystem benefits from partnerships with high-ranked universities such as Carnegie Mellon, the University of Geneva or the National University of Singapore School of Computing, and technology companies such as Anisoprint, JetBrains and ChemDiv.

Constructor is a global institution dedicated to addressing the main challenges of the world through science, education, and technology. Apart from the University, the ecosystem relies on several for-profit entities that provide technology infrastructures and solutions, life-long education programs, consulting services, and funding: Alemira by Constructor, Rolos by Constructor, Constructor Learning and Constructor Capital.

Media Contacts
Maike Lempka
Corporate Communications
Email Address
Phone number
+49 421 200-4504