Brain and body - a dream team? Interactive workshop at Jacobs University

The first meerMINT workshop is all about neuroscience. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


July 29, 2021
How do body and brain interact and how do they influence each other? This is the central question of the interactive workshop that Jacobs University Bremen is organizing as part of the meerMINT initiative. The offer is aimed at enthusiasts of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The workshop is the kick-off for meerMINT in Bremen-Nord and will take place on August 17th on the Jacobs University campus.

, The interactive workshop on the topic "Brain and body - a dream team? Or perhaps they are counterparts?" will take place on August 17th at Jacobs University Bremen. (Source: Jacobs University)

The workshop is all about neuroscience: Brain and body – a dream team? Or perhaps they are counterparts? Together with students from Jacobs University, participants can record data from their own nervous system. They will explore internal and external stimuli on nerve cells, examine our body's fight and flight system, and gain insights into the neuroscience and neuro-psychology laboratories at Jacobs University.

The workshop is free of charge and is open to all residents of the region of Bremen and Bremerhaven ages 14 and older. It will take place on August 17th, 2021 from 09:30 to 17:00 h on the campus of Jacobs University Bremen and will be held partly in English.


Register for the workshop:
Registration deadline: 15.08.2021
Send your registration via email to: Juliane Kuhlmann (j.kuhlmann [at]
About meerMINT:
meerMINT is one of 22 educational clusters currently funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The network’s members in Bremen and Bremerhaven are building four new bases for meerMINT – known as meerMINT docks – which will make STEM related activities (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) more accessible to local communities, and will be offered during fixed opening hours. The dock for Bremen-Nord is located at Jacobs University Bremen. The other local members of the meerMINT network are the University of Bremen, M2C - Institut für angewandte Medienforschung GmbH, PHÄNOMENTA Bremerhaven e. V. and Universum Managementgesellschaft mbH.
More information:
Questions are answered by:
Juliane Kuhlmann
Base Manager meerMINT-Dock Nord
Email: j.kuhlmann [at]