Bremen entrepreneurs and scientists discuss networking



January 20, 2017

The Bremen Entrepreneur Day goes into its 13th year in 2017. In the great interchange between business and science, this year it’s all about the topic of “Exploiting potentials through networking – linking markets, people, linking people, developing ideas.” On May 18, 2017, prestigious practitioners and scientists will be discussing this topic at the House of Science. This year, Jacobs University, in cooperation with the University of Bremen and the Bremen Chamber of Commerce, is enticing participants with exciting presentations and an interactive program.

Since 2005, Jacobs University and the University of Bremen have been taking turns organizing the Bremen Entrepreneur Day in cooperation with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. It is a half-day conference for mid-size businesses in Bremen, in which about 100 people participate each year. This year the conference is being organized by Jacobs University.

For the year 2017, the organizers have been able to get the Bremen native, Professor Peer Witten as keynote speaker. Witten is a well known logistician, honorary chairman of the German Federal Logistics Association (BVL), member of the Supervisory Board of the OTTO Group, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hamburger Hafen und Logistic AG (HHLA), a harbor and logistics enterprise in Hamburg, Germany. In April 2015, he was honored with the Fraunhofer Medal for his service in promoting cooperation between business and science.  Witten is thus predestined for reporting on his experience with the networking of markets and people during the traditional fireside evening at Schütting House.

During the daytime program in the House of Science, too, an exciting program awaits the participants. For instance, Professor Susanne Robra-Bissantz, a scientist at TU Braunschweig, will speak about the digital transformation, which is playing a great role for entrepreneurs against the background of increasing digitalization in all areas of business, a topic that, for a long time already, has linked the business data processing specialist to Jacobs University in the context of the DETHIS project (Design Thinking for Industrial Services). In addition to many other topics, the participants will also get insights into the start-up scene, get to know the concept of open innovation, and discuss the significance of analog network meetings.

Registration for the event is possible at



Thomas Joppig | Brand Management, Marketing & Communications
t.joppig [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4504