Bremen Maritime Woche

 September 14, 2015 The “Maritime Woche“ will take place from 12. – 20. September 2015 at the Bremer Schlachte. Since 1980 it is a yearly event, which attracts thousands of people. In 2014 the new and successful format “Forschungsmeile” was installed. Here, research institutes of Bremen give insights in their work with small exhibitions, talks and lots of things to explore.  Together with the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology the Jacobs University will highlight its marine research at the Weserbahnhof Promenade in scope of the “Maritime Woche” at 19./20. September from 10-18h.  Two research topics, marine bioinformatics and marine molecular microbiology, will be presented by Prof. Frank Oliver Glöckner, Prof. Matthias Ullrich and their colleagues. A remote operating vehicle (ROV) will demonstrate how modern sampling of marine microorganisms works. The so called roller tank experiments simulate organic matter sinking to the sea floor.   Both exhibits represent active research projects conducted at Jacobs University in close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen. The projects aimed at broadening our knowledge of fundamental biochemical and microbiological processes in the oceans. For detailed information, please visit: