Bremen Solidarity Prize Winner visits Jacobs University

Stella Agara (3rd from left) visited Jacobs University before she received the Bremen Solidarity Prize. Photo: Jacobs University ,  June 19, 2017 Stella Agara courageous Kenyan activist for fair taxation, received the 15th Bremen Solidarity Prize on Sunday, June 18. Prior to the ceremony, Agara visited Jacobs University for a campus tour and a lively and inspriring discussion with some of the University’s staff and students.  Accompanied by the chief of protocol of the Bremen Senate Birgitt Rambalski, Agara told about her unique struggle for fair taxation as a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable development in the global South. She comes from Kenya, where she was already involved in “Cancel Debts for Children” campaign as a volunteer in her youth.  Agara’s biography has been shaped by her manifold dedication. Among other positions, she has worked as deputy director of the African Youth Trust (AYT) in Malawi. This organization supports young people in taking their lives and futures into their own hands and getting involved in their communities. Agara is also active in the ActionAid organization based in Malawi, which runs a worldwide campaign against tax avoidance. In Africa and the world, Agara demands that revenues generated in a country should be invested in local infrastructure, education and health care.