CHE-Ranking 2018: Jacobs University provides outstanding support to freshmen

Studying successfully from early on: Jacobs University provides outstanding support to its new students. Photo: Jacobs University ,


May 8, 2018

Once again Jacobs University Bremen has performed exceedingly well in the renowned University Ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). In all the courses examined, the private, English-language university achieved top results in the categories of “support to freshmen” and “international orientation”.

 “It is precisely the first few months that are often crucial for students’ subsequent success on their degree courses”, says Professor Michael Hülsmann, President of Jacobs University Bremen. “Students need to be able to explore whether the subject they have chosen is really the right one for them. We give our freshmen the opportunity to discover the fascination of various different subjects both within and outside their own disciplines and to change their selections where required”, Hülsmann explains. “Alongside our international orientation, the good preparation at the start of a degree course is one of the most important features of our university. We are delighted, therefore, that this concept has been confirmed so impressively in the CHE ranking.”

Combined with individual support from professors and lecturers, different choices at the start of the study program are very effective in preventing problems later on, adds Professor Werner Nau, dean of the bachelor programs. “Those who find themselves stuck on an unsuitable course due to a lack of alternatives will often lose motivation and eventually drop out, which means it takes them longer to obtain a fitting degree. This can be avoided if freshmen are able to openly compare their expectations of a subject with reality - with no need to wait for a year to be able to change courses.”

Jacobs University achieved top results in numerous other areas of the CHE ranking too. The most detailed university ranking in the German-speaking region not only takes into account facts on the range of courses, but also questions students themselves. Thus politics and social sciences – represented at Jacobs University by the programs “International Relations, Politics and History” and “Integrated Social Sciences” – achieved top results in almost all categories. The subject areas of biology and earth sciences – represented by the programs “Biochemistry and Cell Biology” as well as “Earth and Environmental Sciences” – were able to convince due to their involvement of students in research projects at an early stage. Hence, they achieved top results in the categories of “laboratory internships” and “excursions”. Among those subjects that have been rated regarding research indicators, CHE ranking cited earth sciences, math and computer science as subject areas that are particularly strong in terms of research with high levels of external funding.

Jacobs University has been achieving top ratings in the CHE University Ranking for years. In 2016 and 2017 it performed outstandingly well in its first inclusion in the recently created U-Multirank.

The complete CHE University Ranking is available now in ZEIT CAMPUS ONLINE at