Chemistry 4.0 – The transformation of the German Chemical Industry: Invitation to a lecture at the Jacobs University Bremen

The lecture on "Chemistry 4.0 - the transformation of the German chemical industry" will be held at Jacobs University Bremen. (Quelle: Jacobs University Bremen) ,


November 7, 2019

The chemical industry is an important driver of innovation and growth in the German economy and an important employer. Like other industries, it faces elementary strategic and structural challenges. Dr. Henrik Meincke, Chief Economist of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), will talk about what these challenges are, how they can be overcome and where growth opportunities lie in his lecture "Chemistry 4.0 - the transformation of the German chemical industry" at Jacobs University on 14 November at 5 p.m. Guests are very welcome.

, Dr. Henrik Meincke is Chief Economist of the German Chemical Industry Association. (Source: private)

The markets for chemical products are changing. Demand in Western Europe will increase only moderately in the upcoming decades. New production capacities will be created in Asia, South America and in Africa. In addition, manufacturers in developing countries and countries rich in raw materials are expanding their range of applications to include specialty chemicals that were previously often covered by German exports. For the chemical industry in Germany, this means a further increase in the intensity of competition.

At the same time, there is a paradigm shift in demand structures and public preferences. The desire to use resources efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner has noticeable effects on energy supply and consumer behavior. The recycling economy is becoming increasingly important, digitization is leading to comprehensive changes in all areas, and sustainability is becoming increasingly important.

The term "Chemistry 4.0" stands for these trends. It describes the fourth and most recent development stage of the chemical industry after industrialization and coal chemistry (Chemistry 1.0), the advent of petrochemistry (Chemistry 2.0) and increasing globalization and specialization (Chemistry 3.0).

Questions are answered by:
Prof. Dr. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler
Professor of chemistry
Life Sciences & Chemistry
Tel: +49 421 200-3138
Email: g.roeschenthaler [at]