Companies of tomorrow put to the test: Invitation to the online finals of the Jacobs Startup Competition

The Jacobs Startup Competition 2022 is organized by more than 30 Undergraduate students. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


March 2, 2022
There's no doubt about it: it will be informative, stimulating and exciting! The business ideas that will be presented at the finals of the international Jacobs Startup Competition on March 12 could hardly be more diverse. One team wants to simplify the use of artificial intelligence, another intends to make the production of palm oil in Nigeria more sustainable. A third has developed a technology that can identify certain diseases based on breath. Guests can follow via livestream which founders will make it onto the winners' podium with their pitch.

110 startups from 35 countries participated in the competition, which is organized exclusively by students of Jacobs University Bremen. In a multi-stage process, a jury distilled the ten finalists, who will present their business ideas in five-minute pitches starting at 12:30 p.m. on March 12. They include a booking platform for athletes' accommodation, a startup from Pakistan that wants to improve children's education with the help of game characters in online games. As well as a platform for the academic world that wants to enable faster and more efficient research and development by means of artificial intelligence.

How convincing are the ideas? Do they help solve a problem? Can they be implemented economically? These are some of the criteria by which they are judged. But the final of the Jacobs Startup Competition is not only about choosing the best business idea. It is also about learning. Guests can actively engage through the online platform and get to know finalist teams, as well as partners and sponsors.

Exciting lectures and workshops by startup founders and entrepreneurs complement the event. Teams can get feedback on their projects from experienced mentors. Experts provide tips for a successful startup. As a keynote speaker, the students were able to attract Björn Bronger from the European Investment Bank. Serguei Beloussov, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Jacobs University, founder of the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology and of the software company Acronis, one of the event's sponsors, will also be on hand to offer advice and support. Other sponsors include Unitechnics, the ESA Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Northern German, Deloitte, Sparkasse Bremen, the Starthaus Bremen, and the Bremen university initiative BRIDGE. Participation is also financially rewarding, with a total of 4,500 euros in prize money up for grabs.

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