Computer Science and Software Engineering: Jacobs University and SIT Introduce Joint Master Program

The two-year Master of Science will cover knowledge from the fields of Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as Business and Project Management. (Quelle: Jacobs University) ,


April 12, 2022

Computer Science and Software Engineering is the career-oriented Master program that Jacobs University Bremen and its cooperation partner, the Swiss Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT), will jointly offer in a hybrid format starting in the fall semester of 2022/23. The two-year Master of Science will cover knowledge from the fields of Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as Business and Project Management. The application deadline for international applicants with a good knowledge of Computer Science is June 1, 2022.

Solving technical challenges, developing and implementing research projects, collaborating across disciplines and national borders – the goal of the program is to equip graduates with research and leadership skills for a technologized and digital working environment. Already during their studies, the international network of both universities offers students the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships, research groups and industry projects. Afterwards, they have direct access to the global job market.

Students can choose courses from three subject areas: Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, or Artificial Intelligence. The technical knowledge acquired is complemented by other mandatory courses in leadership, entrepreneurship, product development, organizational behavior, and communication. This interdisciplinary approach addresses the requirements of the job market for young professionals to be technically as well as scientifically and economically versed.

This degree program is the first to be offered in cooperation by Jacobs University and SIT. It was initially created by Prof. Mauro Pezzè, Master Program Director at SIT and then adapted to German accreditation requirements by the team of JUB faculty led by Peter Zaspel, Professor of Computer Science.
Students are free to choose the location for their studies; it is also possible to switch between Bremen and Schaffhausen. The hybrid format of teaching enables close cooperation and regular exchanges between students and teachers from both institutions.

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