Congratulations, Generation Y!

Martin Sawatzki (4Flow), Praveen Vadivel, Ashutosh Pandey, Sharath Abraham Peter, Neelesh Vishnurao Balakrishnan at the 4Flow challenge (from left). ,


June 21, 2018

Great success for Neelesh Vishnurao Balakrishnan, Praveen Vadivel, Ashutosh Pandey and Sharath Abraham Peter: Under the name „Generation Y“ they competed in the 4Flow Challenge, organized by 4Flow AG in Berlin, taking third place and winning a price of € 1.000.

25 teams from across Europe had been shortlisted for the competition focusing on Smart Logistics Solutions. The 4Flow Challenge took place over the course of two and a half months and was split into three rounds. Six teams made it into the finals in Berlin. There the teams had to undergo one more round of the case where a new task was provided one day prior to the mock Steering Committee presentation. The presentation in front of the jury was evaluated on the basis of the presentation structure, the innovative idea in itself and the presentation skills of the presenters.

, Congratulations! , Congratulations!