Congratulations Sevgi Malkac!


December 17, 2015

Sevgi Malkac, who is in her first semester of a GEM Bachelor’s degree at Jacobs University, is the proud recipient of an award bestowed by Germany’s Federal President. During her senior grades at Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium in Bremen she wrote a paper entitled Türkische Gastarbeiter - Die Einwanderung nach Gröpelingen von 1960-1990 (Turkish foreign workers – their immigration into Gröpelingen between 1960 and 1990) and entered it into the Federal President’s History Competition 2014/15. She has now won second prize in the competition.

The Federal President’s History Competition is Germany’s biggest historical research competition for young people. Its aim is to awaken children and young people’s interest in their own history, to encourage their independence, and to strengthen their sense of responsibility. More than 136,000 young people have submitted over 30,000 entries since the competition was founded in 1973.

The background to her work and the key points of her biography can be seen in a portrait in the Weser Kurier.