Constructor University Awarded Erasmus+ Grant for Green Deal Initiative


Constructor University is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Erasmus+ grant to spearhead the Green Deal for Central Asian Universities (GDCAU) initiative, which aims to position universities as pivotal drivers of technological, cultural, and societal transformations within the Green Deal framework. This project brings together 13 public and private universities from Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

The GDCAU project is rooted in the urgent need for sustainable development, as recognized by the European Commission’s European Green Deal policy initiative. Aligned with the European Green Deal's goal of achieving a net-zero, resource-efficient Europe, the GDCAU project extends these sustainability efforts to Central Asia.

The GDCAU project is designed to address the objectives of the Erasmus+ call through four strategic goals. Firstly, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of participating universities to develop and implement strategies that align with the Green Deal agenda. Secondly, it seeks to train specialists with a deep understanding and practical skills in environmental sustainability. Thirdly, the project will foster collaboration between universities and businesses to support the implementation of the Green Deal agenda. Lastly, it aims to improve inter-university cooperation and their societal impact by establishing the Green Deal Centre for Evidence-based Education, Research, Innovation, and Public Outreach (GDCentre) and satellite centers at partner universities.

“Constructor University is proud to have secured this Erasmus+ grant. Together, we aim to drive transformations within the Green Deal framework, fostering sustainable development and innovation across the region,” said Stanislav Protasov, President of Constructor University.

“The GDCAU initiative will focus on strengthening university capacities, training specialists in environmental sustainability, fostering university-business collaborations, and enhancing inter-university cooperation,” adds Prof. Isak Frumin, Head of Observatory on Higher Education at Constructor University.

To achieve its objectives, the GDCAU initiative will undertake a variety of activities, including knowledge accumulation, joint curriculum development, and virtual and physical mobility programs. The GDCAU project aligns with Green Deal objectives by addressing the collective action problem faced by Central Asian countries, which are often trapped in reliance on old energy sources. GDCAU will empower Central Asian universities to lead Green Deal initiatives, resulting in advanced educational programs, innovative managerial practices, and robust university-business partnerships.

Constructor University is honored to lead this transformative project and looks forward to the positive impact it will have on environmental sustainability and the Green Deal agenda across Central Asia and beyond.


Questions answered by:
Prof. Isak Frumin | Head of Observatory on Higher Education 

Media Contacts
D. Scott Peterson
External Communications Officer
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+49 172 367 7317