Discovering China’s innovative power


October 4, 2017

First copy, then optimize: China has a rather dubious reputation in some quarters when it comes to the appropriation of Western technologies. But is this image still justified? “There are many indications that the country has become significantly more innovative in terms of technology,” says Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink, Professor of Chinese Society and Business at the English-medium Jacobs University in Bremen. “In many areas, such as cashless payments and electro-mobility, China is even a pioneer”.

Together with his colleague, Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt), the scientist aims to get to the bottom of China’s innovative power with his involvement in a research project financed by the German research organization, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Their focus is on public-private partnerships, i.e. cooperations between public-sector stakeholders, scientists and private companies.

“We are interested in the meaning of public-private partnerships as a potential source of innovations,” says ten Brink, who is also Vice Director of the China Global Center at the international University. Their research focuses on public-private networks in the Guangdong province, an industrial center in China. The research team works in close collaboration with Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.

“We want to contribute to a better understanding of China’s innovative culture with our research,” says ten Brink. It is also being closely observed by other fast-growing emerging countries. China has become a role model and a pioneer for many in these countries – and is now even being copied.

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Questions will be answered by:
Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink | Professor of Chinese Society and Business
t.tenbrink [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-3382