Economic power China: Are the golden days over?


The Chinese economy will no longer grow to the degree it did just a few years ago, but it will continue to grow: “The low-hanging fruits have been picked, but the tree still has more apples,” says Dirk Sänger. The managing partner of C. Melchers GmbH & Co KG was one of the participants in the China Symposium, held by the Jacobs Center for the Study of China and Globalization, China Global.  Practitioners and academics from China, Canada, Denmark, and Germany held a stimulating discussion of the challenges and opportunities associated with the rise of China. For instance, Bernhard Bartsch, Asia Expert at the Bertelsmann Foundation, presented various scenarios to the 160 attendees, outlining how the development of China could also affect Germany. Anyone interested can run through the strategic opportunities with the help of 16 political, economic, and social factors :  This project “China 2030: Scenarios and Strategies for Germany” of the Bertelsmann Foundation in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Innovation and Systems Research offers an alternative to the conventional prognoses: a guide to thinking in strategic opportunities.  “We want to use the China Symposium to build a bridge between academics, entrepreneurs, and the interested public,” says Professor Christoph Lattemann, Director of the China Global Center, who handled the moderation. On December 14th, the Center invites interested parties to a new Discussion Forum. The topic then? Breaking the WTO? Rising China and the Global Trading System.

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