Economic power China: challenges and opportunities


15 November 2016

Crumbling growth rates, increasing environmental problems: Is an end of the rise of the world's second largest economy in sight? Is China facing a hard landing? Or is the country entering a new phase of stable growth – with domestic consumption and innovation as the driving forces of growth instead of export? Questions like these will be discussed by renowned academics and practitioners starting on November 17th at a two-day symposium at Jacobs University.

Among the participants will be Professor Hu Xia of the China University of Mining and Technology from the city of Xuzhou in Jiangsu Province and Professor  William X. Wei of the MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada. The view of practitioners will be represented, among others, by Dirk Sänger, Managing Director of C. Melchers GmbH & Co. KG and Member of the Board of Directors of Bremen's East Asian Association. The agenda also includes such topics as the health system, the ability to reform the Chinese governmental system, and digitalization. Visitors are very welcome.

The organization and moderation will be handled by Professors Lattemann and ten Brink, Directors of the China Global Center at Jacobs University. The research center deals primarily with the growing activities of China in Germany and Europe as well as the Chinese economic model, its sustainability and capacity for innovation. The work involves close collaboration among scientists from a wide variety of disciplines. On the campus of Jacobs University, however, you can not only find research on China, but also collaborations with China. The Center also takes care of guest scientists from China. There are exchange programs with universities such as Fudan University in Shanghai or Capital Normal University in Beijing.

When: 17 + 18 November 2016Where: Jacobs University, IRC EastwingAdmission: FreeRegistration: ChinaGlobal [at]

Additional Questions will be answered by:Prof. Dr. Christoph Lattemann | Director China Global Centerc.lattemann [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-3460